143.01 Establishment and duties.
143.02 Composition; executive head.
143.025 Defense of claims or suits. (Repealed)
143.026 Minimum members on duty.
143.027 Petty Cash Fund.
143.03 Cost of living allowance; insurance.
143.04 Holidays. (Repealed)
143.05 Duty hours. (Repealed)
143.06 Control.
143.07 Clothing allowance. (Repealed)
143.08 Longevity pay.
143.09 Physical examinations.
143.10 Fire calls outside the City.
143.11 Payment for Fire Certificate of Proficiency, Paramedic Certification, Associate Degree, Job Related Bachelor or Master Degree in Fire Technology.
143.12 Qualifications of firefighters and paramedics.
Establishment - see CHTR. § 8.03
Appointment of Chief - see CHTR. § 8.04
Bureau of, Fire Protection and Investigation - see CHTR. § 8.04
Demotions, suspensions and dismissals - see CHTR. § 8.07
Suspension of Fire Chief - see CHTR. § 8.07
Appeal from suspension, demotion, removal - see CHTR. § 8.07
Civil Service qualifications -see CHTR. § 10.02(e)
Age and promotions - see Ohio R. C.124.42, 124.45
Schooling, buildings and equipment - see Ohio R. C. 715. 05, 737.23 et seq.
Fire protection contracts - see Ohio R.C. 717.02
Civil service application - see Ohio R.C. 737.11
General duties - see Ohio R.C. 737. 11
Sick leave and vacations - see ADM. 153.01 et seq.
Emergency firemen - see ADM. 139.04
False fire alarm - see GEN. OFF. 509.07
False reports - see GEN. OFF. 525.02
Fire prevention - see Part 15, Fire Prevention Code
Inspection and approval of fire prevention equipment in commercial cooking establishments - see FIRE PREV. 1501.015
Miscellaneous benefits for Police and Fire Chiefs and Captains - see ADM. 153.241
Emergency medical services and ambulance transportation to be provided by Fire Department - see FIRE PREV. Ch. 1513
There is hereby established a Fire Department for the City to be organized as set forth herein, with the duty of protecting the lives and property of the people in case of fire and with such other duties consistent with fire protection as Council shall designate.
(Ord. 1090-1938. Passed 2-7-38.)
(a) The Fire Department shall be composed of the following officers and members:
(1) One Fire Chief
(2) One Assistant Fire Chief
(3) One Fire Prevention Officer with rank of Lieutenant
(4) Six Fire Lieutenants
(5) One Assistant Fire Prevention Officer
(6) Not more than forty full-time firemen, who shall be on duty at such periods during the week, either day or night, and during such reasonable hours as the Fire Chief shall designate under such general rules and regulations as the Director of Public Safety prescribes.
(7) Such additional firemen as Council shall provide from time to time.
(b) Under the direction of the Mayor, the Director of Public Safety shall be the executive head of the Fire Department. He shall have all powers and duties connected with and incident to the appointment, regulation and government of such Department, except as otherwise provided by law.
(Ord. 7590-1991. Passed 5-28-91; Ord. 9650-2010. Passed 6-15-10.)
The Director of Public Safety and the Chief of the Fire Department shall see that there is, in addition to the Fire Chief, Assistant Fire Chief and Fire Prevention Personnel, sufficient firefighters at 17401 Holland Road (Station No. 1) and 22530 Ruple Road (Station No. 2) as necessary to protect lives and property of all persons and businesses present within the City at all time.
(Ord. 10003-2016. Passed 8-2-16.)
(a) Compensation. (1) Compensation for Fire Department personnel shall be fixed by Council.
(b) Cost of Living Allowance. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Former subsection (b) was repealed by Ordinance 6643-1985, passed February 19, 1985.)
(c) Life Insurance. All full-time members of the Fire Department shall be entitled to a ten thousand dollar ($10,000) life insurance policy to be paid by the City.
(Ord. 4982-1976. Passed 7-13-76.)
(d) False Arrest Insurance. Designated, full-time members of the Fire Department shall be entitled to false arrest insurance, to be paid by the City.
(Ord. 4340-1973. Passed 1-16-73. )
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Former Section 143.04 was repealed by Ordinance 6631-1985, passed February 19, 1985.)
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Former Section 143.05 was repealed by Ordinance 6632-1985, passed February 19, 1985.)