(EDITOR'S NOTE: Former Section 143.04 was repealed by Ordinance 6631-1985, passed February 19, 1985.)
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Former Section 143.05 was repealed by Ordinance 6632-1985, passed February 19, 1985.)
The Director of Public Safety shall have the exclusive management and control of such surgeons, secretaries, clerks and employees of the Fire Department as are provided by ordinance or resolution of Council.
(ORC 737.08)
The Fire Chief shall have exclusive control of the stationing and transferring of all firemen and other officers and employees in the Department under such general rules and regulations as the Director of Public Safety prescribes.
(ORC 737. 09)
Commencing January 1, 1973, and thereafter until duly changed, the longevity pay for the Fire Department shall be as follows:
5 years service $200.00
10 years service 400.00
15 years service 600.00
20 years service 800.00
25 years service 1,000.00
(Ord. 4340-1973. Passed 1-16-73. )
(a) In accordance with Ohio R.C. 717.021, Council hereby grants authority to the Fire Department to render its services to another municipal or political subdivision in times of emergency.
(b) The Director of Public Safety, the Chief of the Fire Department and/or any officer in charge of the Fire Department may order and authorize such emergency fire service to be furnished to another community or political subdivision in times of emergency.
(Ord. 4839-1975. Passed 10-7-75. )