Chap. 1501 Ohio Fire Code.
Chap. 1502 NFPA 101 Life Safety Code.
Chap. 1503 Fire Extinguishing Equipment for Buildings.
Chap. 1505 Negligent Fires in Public Buildings.
Chap. 1507 Fire Department Permits and Fees.
Chap. 1508 Recovery of Costs of Emergency Actions.
Chap. 1509 Smoke Detection Systems.
Chap. 1510 Carbon Monoxide Detectors.
Chap. 1511 Open Burning.
Chap. 1513 Recovery of Costs of Emergency Medical Services and Ambulance Transportation.
Chap. 1519 Fireworks.
1501.01 Current edition adopted.
1501.015 Definitions.
1501.02 Purpose and application.
1501.03 Bureau of Fire Prevention.
1501.04 Enforcement.
1501.05 Compliance.
1501.06 Posting arson laws.
1501.07 Setting fires which spread.
1501.08 Unfriendly fires in buildings; alarm duties.
1501.09 Disclosure of true Fire Safety Inspector status.
1501.10 Fire equipment sale or use; certification of installers.
1501.11 File and sale copies.
1501.12 Conflict.
1501.13 Modifications.
1501.14 Appeals.
1501.15 New materials, processes or occupancies requiring permits.
1501.16 Amendments.
1501.17 Above-ground flammable and combustible liquid storage tanks.
1501.99 Penalty.
See section histories for similar State law
Appeals of orders - see Ohio R.C. 119.12
State certification of firefighters - see Ohio R.C. 737.08, 737.22, 3737.33
State certification of Fire Safety Inspectors - see Ohio R.C. 3737.01(C), 3737.34
Fire investigation - see Ohio R.C. 737.27, 3737.24 et seq.
Entry and inspection - see Ohio R.C. 737.34 et seq., 3737.14, 3737.41, 3737.42
Common Pleas Court jurisdiction - see Ohio R.C. 3737.44(A), 3737.51(H)
Ohio Fire Code - see Ohio R.C. 3737.82 et seq.; OAC Ch. 1301:7-1 et seq.
Fire extinguishing and alarm systems in rear and nursing homes - see Ohio R.C. 3721.071
Self-service filling stations - see Ohio R.C. 3741.14
Fireworks - see Ohio R.C. 3743.27, 3743.32 et seq.
Gasoline service stations - see P. & Z. 1121.29
NFPA 101 Life Safety Code - see FIRE PREV. Ch. 1502
(a) Pursuant to Ohio R.C. 731.231, there is hereby adopted by the City of Brook Park the most current edition of the Ohio Fire Code (OFC), as adopted by the Ohio Department of Commerce, Division of State Fire Marshal, published in Division 1301:7 of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC).
(b) The most current edition of the Ohio Fire Code, as adopted by the State of Ohio, is incorporated herein as fully as if set out at length.
(Ord. 9033-2003. Passed 11-5-03.)
As used in this chapter and in the Ohio Fire Code, as adopted in Section 1501.01:
(a) "Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention" means the Chief of Fire of the City of Brook Park.
(b) "Corporation Counsel" means the City Law Director.
(c) "Designated enforcement officer" means the Lieutenant or Inspector of the Bureau of Fire Prevention.
(d) "Fire Official" means the Lieutenant or Inspector of the Bureau of Fire Prevention.
(e) "Municipality" means the City of Brook Park.
(f) "Nationally recognized good practice" means the limitations and conditions inherent in the standards and publications listed in 1301:7-7-44 (Referenced Standards) of the Ohio Fire Code.
(Ord. 8253-1996. Passed 8-6-96.)
(a) The purpose of the Ohio Fire Code, as adopted in Section 1501.01, is to prescribe minimum standards and regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion.
(b) The Ohio Fire Code, as adopted in Section 1501.01, applies to the use of all lands and properties within the Municipality and such other lands or properties owned by the Municipality which are situated outside the corporate limits thereof.
(Ord. 6958-1986. Passed 12-16-86.)
(a) The Ohio Fire Code shall be enforced by the Bureau of Fire Prevention which is hereby established in the Fire Department. The Bureau shall be operated under the supervision of the Fire Chief or his or her designee, who shall also act as the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention and perform all of the duties of the Chief in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. The Bureau shall consist of one Fire Prevention Lieutenant and one Assistant Fire Prevention Officer assigned to these duties as set forth in Section 143.02 of the Administrative Code.
(b) The Fire Chief may detail such members of the Fire Department as inspectors as are necessary. The Chief shall recommend to the Director of Public Safety the employment of any necessary technical inspectors.
(c) A report of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be made annually and transmitted to the Mayor. It shall contain all proceedings under the Ohio Fire Code, with such statistics as the Fire Chief may wish to include therein. The Chief shall also recommend any amendments to the Code which in his or her judgment would be desirable.
(d) The Fire Prevention Officers of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be appointed under the rules of civil service by the Director of Public Safety on the basis of competitive examination of members of the Fire Division to determine their qualifications. Such Officers shall be State certified under Ohio R.C. 3303.07.
(Ord. 8246-1996. Passed 8-6-96.)
(a) It shall be the duty and responsibility of the Chief of the Fire Department, or the Fire Prevention Bureau, to enforce the provisions of the Ohio Fire Code as set forth in this chapter. The designated enforcement officer of this Code is herein referred to as the Code Official.
(b) If, upon inspection or investigation, the Code Official believes that this Code has been violated, he or she shall, with reasonable promptness, issue a citation to the responsible person. For Municipal criminal proceedings, the complaint, warrant or summons, or the issuance of a citation in minor misdemeanor cases, shall be as prescribed in the Ohio Rules of Criminal Procedure, by referencing the numerical designation of the applicable Municipal ordinance, or any order issued pursuant thereto, provided that such order fixes a reasonable time for abatement of the violation. State enforcement proceedings for violations of Ohio R.C. Chapter 3737, the Ohio Fire Code or this Fire Prevention Code shall be as prescribed in Ohio R.C. 3737.41 to 3737.46.
(c) The Code Official may prescribe procedures for the issuance of a notice in lieu of a citation with respect to de minimis violations which have no direct or immediate relationship to safety or health.
(d) A copy of such complaint or citation shall be prominently posted by the responsible person at or near each place a violation referred to occurs.
(e) Upon request of the Municipal Fire Safety Inspector, the Municipal legal officer shall institute and prosecute any necessary action or proceeding to enforce this chapter or Ohio R.C. Chapter 3737.
(Ord. 8247-1996. Passed 8-6-96.)