Elected Officials
31.01 Mayor; selection and duties
31.02 City Council; Acting President
31.03 City Council; selection and duties
31.04 City Council; organization
31.05 Vacancy
31.06 Mayor vacancy
31.07 Mayor; election; qualifications; term
31.19 Appointment; terms; removal; powers; duties
31.20 Merger of offices
31.21 City Clerk/Treasurer; clerk duties
31.22 City Clerk/Treasurer; treasurer duties
31.23 Clerk/Treasurer's monthly report
31.24 Clerk/Treasurer's annual report
31.25 City Attorney
31.26 City Physician
31.27 City Police Chief
31.28 City police officers
31.29 City Fire Chief and Assistant City Fire Chief
31.30 City Engineer
31.31 Public Works Director
31.32 (Reserved)
31.33 City Building Inspector
31.34 City Zoning Inspector
31.35 City Administrator
Bonds and Oath
31.50 Bonds; form
31.51 Oath of office; city officials
31.65 City officials
31.66 Conflict of interest
The Mayor of the city shall have the general and immediate control over all property and officials, whether elected or appointed, of the city. He or she shall preside at all meetings of the City Council, and shall have the right to vote only when his or her vote shall be decisive on any pending matter. His or her signature must appear on the City Clerk/Treasurer's minutes of all meetings, and he or she must sign all resolutions which have been passed, and warrants for the payment of money when ordered by the City Council; provided, any ordinance vetoed by the Mayor may be passed over his or her veto by a two-thirds vote by the members of the City Council, but if the Mayor refuses to sign any ordinance, and returns it to the Council with his or her objections, the unsigned ordinance would then become law without his or her signature at the time of the next meeting of the Council. He or she shall from time to time communicate to the Council any information and recommendations as, in his or her opinion, may improve the city. He or she may require at reasonable intervals any city official to exhibit his or her accounts and make reports to the Council on any subject pertaining to his or her office. He or she shall have the power to remit fines or pardon any offense arising under the ordinances of the city. He or she shall have the authority to call on every male inhabitant of the city over 18 years of age and under the age of 50 years to aid in enforcing the laws. He or she may remove at any time an appointed police officer of the city. His or her territorial authority shall extend over all places within five miles of the corporate limits of the city for the enforcement of any health ordinance, and one-half mile in all matters vested in him or her except taxation. He or she shall also have any other duties as the City Council may by resolution confer upon him or her, or in any other matters which the laws of the state repose in him or her. He or she shall be elected at the city election, and shall serve a four-year term of office. Any candidate for Mayor must have resided within the city for 40 days prior to filing for the office and must, in addition, be a qualified taxpayer.
(Neb. RS 17-110 through 17-117 ) (1973 Code, § 1-101)
The City Council shall elect one of its own body each year who shall be styled the President of the Council, and who shall preside at all meetings of the City Council in the absence of the Mayor. In the absence of the Mayor, and the President of the Council, the City Council shall elect one of its own body to occupy his or her place temporarily, who shall be styled Acting President of the Council. Both the President of the Council and the Acting President of the Council, when occupying the position of the Mayor, shall have the same privileges as the other members of the City Council, and all acts of the President of the Council, or Acting President of the Council, while so acting, shall be as binding upon the City Council, and upon the city as if done by the elected Mayor.
(Neb. RS 17-148) (1973 Code, § 1-102)
The members of the City Council shall be elected and serve for a four-year term. The City Council shall be the legislative division of the city government, and shall perform the duties, and have the powers as may be authorized by law. The City Council shall maintain the peace, regulate business, protect the public health and safety, and assess the taxes and fees as are necessary and appropriate in the exercise of these functions.
(Neb. RS 17-103 and 17-104) (1973 Code, § 1-103)
City Council Members of this city shall take office and commence their duties on the first regular meeting in December following their election. The newly elected Council Members who have qualified as prescribed by law, together with the members of the City Council holding over, shall assemble in a regular meeting at the hour and place hereinafter prescribed and perfect the reorganization of the City Council as herein provided, and all appointive offices in which the terms of incumbents are expired shall be filled by appointment. After the meeting has been called to order, the City Clerk/Treasurer shall report to the City Council the names of all City Council Members-elect who have qualified for their respective offices, and this report shall be spread upon the minutes of the meeting preceding the roll call.
(Neb. RS 17-104 and 19-613) (1973 Code, § 1-104) (Ord. 454, passed 12-1-1977; Ord. 792, passed 8-6-2009)