The City Clerk/Treasurer shall at the end of each and every month, and any other times as the City Council may deem necessary, render an account to the City Council under oath showing the financial state of the city at that date, the amount of money remaining in each fund and the amount paid therefrom, and the balance of money remaining in the treasury. He or she shall accompany the account with a statement of all receipts and disbursements, together with all warrants redeemed, and paid by him or her. He or she shall also produce depository evidence that all city money is in a solvent and going bank in the name of the city. If the City Clerk/Treasurer shall neglect, or fail for the space of ten days from the end of each and every month to render his or her accounts as aforesaid, the City Council shall, by resolution, declare the office vacant, and appoint some person to fill the vacancy. The City Clerk/Treasurer shall be present at each regular meeting of the City Council at which time he or she shall read and file his or her monthly report.
(Neb. RS 17-606) (1973 Code, § 1-204)
It shall be the duty of the Clerk/Treasurer of the city having a population of not more than 100,000 to prepare and publish annually within 60 days following the close of its municipal fiscal year a statement of the receipts and expenditures by funds of the city for the preceding fiscal year. Not more than the legal rate provided for in Neb. RS 33-141 shall be charged and paid for the publication.
(Neb. RS 19-1,101) (1973 Code, § 1-205)
The City Attorney shall be the legal advisor of the Council. He or she shall commence, prosecute, and defend all suits and actions necessary to be commenced, prosecuted or defended on behalf of the corporations, or that may be ordered by the Council. When requested, he or she shall attend meetings of the Council and give them his or her opinion upon any matters submitted to him or her, either orally or in writing, as may be required. He or she shall draft or review for legal correctness ordinances, contracts, franchises and other instruments as may be required, and he or she shall perform such other duties as may be imposed upon him or her by general law or ordinance. The City Council shall have the right to pay the City Attorney compensation for legal services performed by him or her for it on such terms as the City Council and attorney may agree, and to employ additional legal assistance and to pay for the legal assistance out of the funds of the city.
(Neb. RS 17-610) (1973 Code, § 1-206)
The City Physician shall be a member of the Board of Health of the city, and perform the duties devolving upon him or her as the medical advisor of the Board. In all injuries where a liability may be asserted against the city, the City Physician shall immediately investigate the injuries, the extent thereof, and the circumstances. He or she shall then report the results of his or her investigation with the name of the party injured, and all other persons who may have personal knowledge of the matter. He or she shall make all physical examinations, and necessary laboratory tests incident thereto, and issue the health certificates as are required by ordinance. For the purpose of making examinations of the sanitary conditions of the property, and the state of health of the inhabitants therein, he or she shall have the right at all reasonable hours to go upon, and enter all premises, buildings, or other structures in the city. He or she shall perform the other duties as may be required of him or her by the laws of the state, and the ordinances of the city. When ordered to do so by the City Council, he or she shall disinfect or fumigate the premises or persons in or about the premises, when the premises are quarantined, and to call upon indigent sick persons, and perform other professional services at the direction of the City Council. The City Physician shall receive as compensation for his or her services the sum as the City Council may from time to time set by resolution. He or she shall receive no compensation for his or her services as a member of the City Board of Health.
(Neb. RS 17-121) (1973 Code, § 1-207)
The City Police Chief shall direct the police work of the city and shall be responsible for the maintenance of law and order. He or she shall act as Health Inspector and Building Inspector, except in the event the city appoints another person. He or she shall file the necessary complaints in cases arising out of violations of city ordinances, and shall make all necessary reports required by the city ordinances, or the laws of the state.
(Neb. RS 17-107 and 17-121) (1973 Code, § 1-208)
The city police, whether regular or special, shall have the power to arrest all offenders against the laws of the state or the city, by day or by night, and keep the offenders in the city jail, or some other place to prevent their escape until trial can be held before the proper official of the state or the city. They shall have full power and authority to call on any person whenever necessary to assist them in performing public duties, and failure, neglect, or refusal to render the assistance shall be deemed a misdemeanor punishable upon conviction by a fine. Every city police officer shall be expected to be conversant and knowledgeable with the city and state laws. City police officers shall have the duty to file the complaints and reports as may be required by the city ordinances, and the laws of the state. Any city police officer who shall willfully fail, neglect, or refuse to make an arrest, or who purposely, and willfully fails to make a complaint after an arrest is made shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined. It shall be unlawful for the City Council to retain any city police officer in that position after he or she shall have been duly convicted of the willful violation of any law of the United States of America, the state, or any ordinance of the city, except minor traffic violations. It shall be the duty of every city police officer making a lawful arrest to search all persons in the presence of some other person, whenever possible, and shall carefully keep and produce to the proper judicial official upon the trial everything found upon the person of the prisoners. All personal effects so taken from prisoners aforesaid shall be restored to them upon their release. Suitable uniforms and badges shall be furnished to the city police by the city. Any member who shall lose or destroy the same shall be required to pay the replacement costs, and in the event that any member shall leave the force, he or she shall immediately deliver his or her badge to the Police Chief. The City Council may from time to time provide the city police with the uniforms, equipment, and transportation as may be essential in the performance of their official duties.
(Neb. RS 17-118 and 17-124) (1973 Code, § 1-209) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) The members of the city Fire Department shall, at the time of their annual meeting, or at any other meeting as necessary and practicable, recommend some persons for the offices of City Fire Chief and Assistant City Fire Chief. The Mayor shall appoint such persons as recommended by the city Fire Department, who shall be confirmed by a majority vote of the City Council. The City Fire Chief and Assistant City Fire Chief shall hold such office until his or her successor is appointed and qualified. The Fire Chief shall enforce all laws and ordinances covering the prevention of fires; the storage and use of explosives and flammable substances; the installation of fire alarm systems; the maintenance of fire extinguishing equipment; the regulation of fire escapes; and the inspection of all premises requiring adequate fire escapes. He or she shall within two days investigate the cause, origin, and circumstances of fires arising within his or her jurisdiction. He or she shall, on or before April 1 and October 1 of each year, cause the Secretary to file with the City Clerk/Treasurer, and the Clerk of the District Court, a certified copy of the rolls of all members in good standing in their respective companies in order to obtain the exemptions provided by law. He or she shall have the power during the time of a fire, and for a period of 36 hours thereafter to arrest any suspected arsonist, or any person for hindering the Department’s efforts, conducting himself or herself in a noisy and disorderly manner, or who shall refuse to obey any lawful order by the Fire Chief or Assistant Fire Chief. The Fire Chief shall appoint one captain for every eight members on the Fire Department. The Fire Chief, or his or her assistant in charge of operations at a fire may command the services of any person present at any fire in extinguishing the same or in the removal, and protection of property.
(B) Failure to obey such an order shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine.
(C) The Fire Chief shall have the right to enter at all reasonable hours into buildings, and upon all premises within his or her jurisdiction for the purpose of examining the same for fire hazards, and related dangers. The City Fire Chief shall be compensated at a rate of $500 per month, and the Assistant City Fire Chief shall be compensated at a rate of $250 per month.
(Neb. RS 17-147, 17-505, 35-102, 35-108, 81-506, and 81-512) (1973 Code, § 1-210) (Ord. 423, passed 4-5-1976; Ord. 800, passed 9-10-2009; Ord. 885, passed 9-18-2014; Ord. 977, passed 7-29-2021)