Overview and Applicability
   152.001   Title
   152.002   Administration
   152.003   Policy
   152.004   Public purpose
   152.005   Jurisdiction
   152.006   Relation to other laws, rules and regulations
   152.007   Planned unit developments
   152.008   Amendments
   152.009   Separability
   152.010   Variance
   152.011   Enactment
   152.020   Definitions
Procedure for Division of Land and Subdivision Approval
   152.035   General
   152.036   Purpose
   152.037   Major subdivision
   152.038   Minor land division (lot split)
   152.039   Exempted land division
Subdivision Design Standards
   152.050   General statement
   152.051   Conformance to applicable rules and regulations
   152.052   Subdivision and site design
   152.053   Street design
   152.054   Street design standards
   152.055   Horizontal alignment
   152.056   Vertical alignment
   152.057   Intersection design standards
   152.058   Street classification system
   152.059   Special street types
   152.060   Streets for commercial subdivisions
   152.061   Streets for industrial subdivisions
   152.062   Sidewalks required in all areas except industrial
   152.063   Lot design standards
   152.064   Easements
   152.065   Flood areas and storm drain ditches
   152.066   Minimum boundary survey requirements
Requirements for Construction of Improvements
   152.080   Guarantee for installation of improvements
   152.081   Construction procedure and material
   152.082   Boundary surveys, monuments, markers and pins
   152.083   Street improvements
   152.084   Street width
   152.085   Street construction
   152.086   Street curbs, gutters and sidewalks
   152.087   Driveways
   152.088   Lot drains
   152.089   Sidewalks
   152.090   Street name signs and street naming
   152.091   Street and walkway lighting
   152.092   Street trees
   152.093   Water supply improvements
   152.094   Fire protection
   152.095   Sanitary sewer improvements
   152.096   Drainage improvements
   152.097   Utility improvements
   152.098   Storm water
   152.099   Oversize and off-site improvements
   152.100   Off-site extensions
   152.101   Final inspection
Hillside Regulations
   152.115   General statement
   152.116   Determination of average slope
   152.117   Minimum lot requirements for single-family homes
   152.118   Grading plan and controls
   152.119   Cuts and fills
   152.120   Compaction of fill
   152.121   Retaining walls
   152.122   Minimum hillside requirements
   152.123   Street alignment
   152.124   Driveways
Required Statements and Signatures to Be Affixed on the Final Plat
   152.140   General
   152.141   Description
   152.142   Owners’ dedication and acknowledgment
   152.143   Notary Public
   152.144   Approval by the Village Council
   152.145   County Auditor
   152.146   County Recorder
   152.147   Certification by surveyor
Revisions, Enforcement
   152.160   Recording of plat
   152.161   Revision of plat after approval
   152.162   Sale of land within subdivision
   152.163   Schedule of fees, charges and expenses
   152.164   Appeal
   152.999   Penalty
   Appendix A:Pavement design criteria
   Appendix B:Images
   Appendix C:Stormwater management and sediment control regulations