(A)   All changes of grade shall be connected by vertical curves of minimum length in feet equal to 20 times the algebraic difference in the rate of grade for arterials and industrial streets; for collector and local streets, 15 times. The minimum length of vertical curves shall be 50 feet. See Table 2 in § 152.054 for maximum grade change without vertical curves.
   (B)   Minimum vertical visibility shall conform to Table 2 in § 152.054 of these regulations and the Ohio Department of Transportation’s regulations in effect on the date of approval of the preliminary plan.
   (C)   No street grade shall be less than 0.5%, except at sag and crest points of vertical curves, and in no case shall a street grade be more than 3% within 100 feet of an intersection nor shall the street grade exceed a maximum grade of 7%.
(Ord. 20-04, passed 12-27-2004)