When public utilities such as streets, drainage facilities, sanitary sewers or water lines are not available at the boundary of a proposed subdivision, and connection to such off-site utilities is deemed necessary by the village, the subdivider shall be required to:
   (A)   Obtain necessary easements across adjacent property for utility extensions;
   (B)   Extend necessary utilities across adjacent property or existing right-of-way at his or her expense but with the right of recovery from other landowners intending to utilize said utilities;
   (C)   Recoup the cost of any necessary oversizing of utilities required by the village. The cost of oversizing to be recouped by agreement with the government agency or benefitting landowner; and
   (D)   Execute and record easements for off-site utility extensions before acceptance of the final plat by the village.
(Ord. 20-04, passed 12-27-2004)