The more restrictive of the following standards shall govern subdivision monumentation:
   (A)   The most recently adopted version of the Minimum Standard for Boundary Surveys in the State of Ohio issued by the State Board of Registration for professional engineers and surveyors, as provided for in R.C. § 4733.07;
   (B)   The most recently adopted version of the Standards Governing Conveyances of Real Property in Allen County and/or Hancock County, issued by Allen County and/or Hancock County and provided for in R.C. § 319.203; and
   (C)   (1)   Permanent concrete monuments shall be accurately set and established at the intersections of all outside boundary lines of the subdivision; at the intersections of those boundary lines with all street lines; at the beginning and end of all curves; at points on curves where the radius of direction changes; and, at such other points as are necessary to establish definitely all lines of the plat. Stone or concrete monuments shall be at least 36 inches long and at least six inches in diameter, and shall be provided with a center point of solid iron pins or pipe.
      (2)   Allen County Engineer’s standard monument boxes may be used in lieu of stone or concrete monuments if placed at:
         (a)   Intersections of streets;
         (b)   The PC and PT of horizontal curves on streets (or at the PI if it is on the pavement);
         (c)   At centers of radii of cul-de-sacs; and,
         (d)   At all other centerline locations needed to re-establish all of the streets of the subdivision. The monument boxes shall be placed in clear sight of the previous monument box set.
      (3)   Solid iron pins or iron pipe monuments having a minimum cross-sectional area of material of two-tenths square inches, and at least 30 inches long shall be used at all other points including all lot corners. Plastic caps shall be placed on iron pin or pipe designating the surveyors name and registration number.
      (4)   All streets centerline reference points shall be monumented by one of the following:
         (a)   Monument boxes;
         (b)   Iron pins;
         (c)   PK nails;
         (d)   Railroad spikes;
         (e)   Boat spikes; or
         (f)   Other iron reference monuments.
      (5)   All monuments, markers and pins must be in place after all construction is complete.
(Ord. 20-04, passed 12-27-2004)