1048.01 Findings of fact.
1048.02 Objectives and intent.
1048.03 Definitions.
1048.04 Applicability.
1048.05 Exemptions.
1048.06 Status of previous approvals.
1048.07 Nonconforming areas.
1048.08 Submittals.
1048.09 Performance criteria
1048.10 Floodplain management
1048.11 Regulatory floodplains without regulatory floodways.
1048.12 Application for development in the regulatory floodplain.
1048.13 Volume and flow rate management.
1048.14 Technical reference manual.
1048.15 Dedication.
1048.16 Approved entities.
1048.17 Public nuisance.
1048.18 Water course protection.
1048.19 Pollution prevention.
1048.20 Violation notice.
1048.21 Corrective action.
1048.99 Penalties.
The City finds that uncontrolled stormwater runoff from developed land adversely affects the public health, safety, and welfare because:
(a) Impervious surfaces increase the quantity and velocity of surface runoff, resulting in less percolation of water through soil and increased erosion and flooding conditions.
(b) Improper collection and conveyance of stormwater adversely affects off-site property and increases the incidence and severity of flooding, which can endanger property and human life.
(c) Increased erosion leads to sedimentation in stormwater management systems that decrease their hydraulic capacity.
(d) Stormwater runoff often contains nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, which adversely affect flora and fauna by accelerating eutrophication of receiving waters.
(e) The City has adopted a comprehensive land use plan that establishes proposed land use and infrastructure service needs for undeveloped areas of the City.
(f) Inadequate soil erosion and sedimentation control practices can cause increased turbidity, the cloudiness caused by having soil particles suspended in the water column.
(Ord. 11-01. Passed 8-21-01.)
It is the intent of this chapter to protect, maintain, and enhance the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of the City by:
(a) Protecting and maintaining the physical, chemical, and biological integrity of groundwater and surface waters.
(b) Preventing activities that adversely affect groundwater and surface water resources.
(c) Encouraging the use of stormwater management systems that approximate natural systems.
(d) Ensuring that stormwater runoff peak rates, volumes, and pollutant loadings are no greater than natural conditions.
(e) Maintaining and restoring groundwater levels.
(f) Preventing damage to wetlands and other natural resources.
(g) Minimizing soil erosion and sedimentation.
(h) Requiring surface and stormwater management practices that comply with the requirements of this chapter.
(i) Promoting the development of stormwater retention and detention facilities that are aesthetically desirable.
(j) Following the direction established by the Comprehensive Land Use Plan.
(Ord. 11-01. Passed 8-21-01.)