Mark Behnke, Mayor
Sherry Sofia, Vice Mayor
At-Large Commissioners:
Carla Reynolds, Paige Katsarsky-Smith
Ward 1 Commissioner:
Jessica LaCosse
Ward 2 Commissioner:
Jenasia Morris
Ward 3 Commissioner:
Patrick O’Donnell
Ward 4 Commissioner:
Christopher Simmons
Ward 5 Commissioner:
Jim Lance
Interim City Manager
Ted Dearing
Assistant City Manager for Community and Economic Development
Ted Dearing
City Clerk
Victoria Houser
City Assessor
Aaron Powers
City Attorney
William Kim
Revenue Services Director
Aaron Kuhn
Police Chief
Shannon Bagley
Fire Chief
Recreation Director
Danielle Myrkle
Community Services Director
Marcie Gillette
Human Resources Director
Michelle Hull
Public Works Director
City Engineer
Steve Skalski
   The numbering system used in these Codified Ordinances is consistent with the best accepted practice for codification. Each section is self-identifying as to code, chapter and section number. For example, 238.02 indicates that the code number is 2, the chapter number is 238 (or the 38th chapter within code 2), and the section number is .02. The code and chapter numbers appear left of the decimal, with the code number preceding the first two digits left of the decimal, and the chapter number being the first two digits left of the decimal. The section number appears to the right of the decimal. As another example, 408.01 indicates that the code number is 4, the chapter number is 408 (or the 8th chapter within code 4), and the section number is .01.
   With this numbering system, the Codified Ordinances may be expanded almost endlessly. Codes, titles and chapters are initially even-numbered, thus reserving the use of odd numbers for future legislation. Sections within chapters are consecutively numbered, except that penalty provisions are usually assigned the number .99. Newly created sections subsequent to the original codification may be indicated by three digits right of the decimal in the event the law properly belongs between consecutively numbered sections. For example, newly created 660.041, 660.042 and 660.043 follow 660.04 and precede 660.05 to be placed in their logical position.
   Section histories enable a user to trace the origin of the law contained in the section. The history indicates the derivation by reference to either its passage date and the ordinance number originally assigned to it at that time, or to its inclusion in any prior code. Sections and subsections without histories or with the words “Adopting Ordinance” at the end thereof are or contain new matter which was ordained by the ordinance adopting these Codified Ordinances.
   The Comparative Section Table is included to show the disposition of every ordinance and resolution included in these Codified Ordinances. It indicates whether a given ordinance or resolution was consolidated with another into one section or split into two or more sections. Cross references direct the user to subject matter reasonably related to material contained within a given chapter.