The person in control of the property on which an alarm system is installed shall:
(1) To receive notification at any time;
(2) To come to the alarm site within one and one-half hours after receiving a request from a member of the Police Department or the Fire Department to do so; and
(3) To grant access to the alarm site and to deactivate the alarm system if necessary.
(b) Train all persons who may activate the alarm system in the proper operation of the alarm system.
(Ord. 15-87, passed 2-9-1987)
The person in control of the property on which an alarm system is installed shall ensure that the alarm system is repaired within 72 hours of the time notification that such system is malfunctioning is given, in writing, on a form designated by the Police Department or the Fire Department to him or her or to his or her employee or his or her agent by a member of the Department designated by the Police Chief or Fire Chief to give such notice.
The person in control of the property may cause such system to be deactivated rather than having such system repaired, if he or she so desires. If he or she does deactivate such system rather than have it repaired, such system shall not be reactivated until it has been repaired, excepting all systems which are required by statute, ordinance or the Fire Prevention or Building Codes.
(Ord. 15-87, passed 2-9-1987)
Any person who is notified by any member of the Police Department or the Fire Department of the activation of an alarm system and who is able to give access to the alarm site shall come to the alarm site within one and one-half hours of the time such person is notified of such activation and shall provide the Department any necessary access or assistance.
(Ord. 15-87, passed 2-9-1987)
(a) No person shall install, cause to be installed or permit to be installed an alarm system unless the requirements of this chapter are met.
(b) Any alarm system which may be activated as a result of different types of emergency situations shall give a unique signal to designate activation as a result of a holdup, a burglary, a fire or any other different type of emergency situation so that proper notification and proper response can be made.
(c) Any local alarm system shall have a 30 minute shut-off.
(d) No person shall use or permit the use of any telephone device or telephone attachment which automatically selects a telephone line leading into the communication center of the Police Department or the Fire Department, or any number leading into the city offices and then transmits any prerecorded message or signal.
(e) The Police Chief or Fire Chief may set reasonable standards and procedures to be followed by an alarm system business or telephone answering service when giving notice to the Police Department or the Fire Department of activation of an alarm system. Such standards and procedures shall be set out, in writing, and made available to an alarm system business or telephone answering service requesting the same and shall conform to the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 15-87, passed 2-9-1987)
(a) Prior to doing business within the city, an alarm system business installing burglar or hold-up alarms shall register with the Police Department.
(b) Prior to doing business within the city, an alarm system business installing fire alarms shall register with the Fire Department. Persons and businesses who install, service, test or repair fire alarm systems, for profit, shall be certified by the State Fire Marshal as required in R.C. § 3737.65.
(c) The business registration shall set forth:
(1) The full name and address of the alarm system business; and
(2) The full name, business address and home address of the business manager who shall be licensed by the state.
An alarm system business doing business in this city at the time this chapter becomes effective (Ordinance 15-87, passed February 9, 1987), shall have 30 days to register with the Police Department or the Fire Department as required herein.
(Ord. 15-87, passed 2-9-1987)
Each alarm system business shall notify the Police Department and/or the Fire Department, in writing, of any change of the licensed manager of the business within 48 hours after such change and of any change in the telephone number by which personnel can be reached, prior to such change.
(Ord. 15-87, passed 2-9-1987)
(a) Any alarm system business which installs an alarm system within the city shall provide the Police Department or the Fire Department with the following information on a form designated by the city:
(1) The address where such system is installed;
(2) The name and address of the person having control over the property; and
(3) The type of alarm system.
(b) Such form shall be submitted to the Department not earlier than 20 days prior to the installation of such system and not later than 48 hours after such system is installed. The Department shall protect such information as confidential information, and its use shall be restricted to legitimate law enforcement purposes and to enforcement of this chapter.
(Ord. 15-87, passed 2-9-1987)
Whenever an alarm system business agrees with any person to maintain or service an alarm system, such business shall:
(a) Ensure that personnel of such business who are able to render effective assistance arrive at such alarm site within one and one-half hours of a request by a member of the Police Department or the Fire Department for assistance, if such alarm system business has agreed with any person to respond to such alarm system;
(b) Ensure that sufficient personnel of such business are available to provide service and to repair any alarm system such business has agreed to maintain or service within 72 hours after the notification that such system is in need of repair is received from any person in control of the property or by a member of the Department designated by the Police Chief or Fire Chief to give such notice; and
(c) Keep a written record of the date and time of the repair and a description of the specific repair which was performed on an alarm system when such repair was made in response to notification by the person in control of the property or a member of the Department that such alarm system was in need of repair. Such written record shall be maintained for at least two years and shall be made available for inspection and duplication by any member of the Department designated by the Police Chief or Fire Chief to inspect such record when such member of the Department makes demand at the office of the alarm system business during regular business hours.
(Ord. 15-87, passed 2-9-1987)
Any alarm system business which operates a central station and any telephone answering service shall:
(a) Have sufficient personnel trained in the procedures to be followed in receiving and relating notice of the activation of any alarm system on duty at all times to ensure that emergency messages or alarm signals received by such business can be relayed immediately to the Police Department or the Fire Department;
(b) Notify the person in control of the property or his or her designated employee of the activation of the alarm system within 24 hours of the time the alarm was activated, by telephone or by placing such notice in the mail addressed to the person in control of the property;
(c) Keep a written record of the date and time each notification of the activation of an alarm system is received, and the date, time and method by which the person in control of the property or his or her designated employee was notified. Such records shall be retained for at least two years and shall be made available for inspection by any member of the Department designated by the Police Chief or Fire Chief to inspect such records when such member of the Department makes demand at the office of the alarm system business or telephone answering service during regular business hours;
(d) Test or cause to be tested all equipment used by the Department or telephone answering service relating to the receipt of notification of the activation of an alarm system and the equipment used in relaying such notification to the Department at least one time in every 12-month period and, where a test result is unsatisfactory, correct or cause to be corrected, within a reasonable period of time not to exceed seven days, the cause of the unsatisfactory test result;
(e) Produce evidence of the results of tests conducted pursuant to division (d) of this section upon request of a member of the Department designated by the Police Chief or Fire Chief to inspect such evidence. The requirements of this division (e) shall be satisfied if such results are made available at the central station or telephone answering service on the next regular business day after demand is made; and
(f) Not provide answering services for any alarm system business which is not licensed by the state.
(Ord. 15-87, passed 2-9-1987)