Whenever a person listed on the application for an alarm system permit or listed on an amendment to the application is unable or unwilling to perform the duties set out in § 1098.03(f), the permit holder shall file an amendment to the permit application listing a person or company who is able and will perform those duties so that at all times the application on file with the Police Department or the Fire Department designates at least two persons or an alarm system business who or which is able and willing to perform such duties.
(Ord. 15-87, passed 2-9-1987)
No person shall operate or shall permit the operation of an alarm system which was installed on his or her property prior to the effective date of this chapter (Ordinance 15-87, passed February 9, 1987), unless a permit for such alarm system is obtained within 180 days of the effective date of this chapter (Ordinance 15-87, passed February 9, 1987). To obtain such a permit, the person in control of the property shall file an application therefor pursuant to § 1098.03 and pay the permit fee. However, this section shall not be applicable to an alarm system business which monitors, services or monitors and services an alarm system installed and designed to protect property under the control of a person other than the alarm system business, but the person in control of the property which the alarm system is designed to protect shall be subject to prosecution if he or she permits the operation of such system without a valid permit.
(Ord. 15-87, passed 2-9-1987)
Each residential permit issued in accordance with this chapter shall be valid until such time that the control of the property is transferred from the permit holder. Upon such transfer of control of the property, a new permit shall be obtained.
A business permit shall be valid for a period of one year and must be renewed annually. Upon transfer of control of the business, a new permit shall be obtained.
(Ord. 15-87, passed 2-9-1987)
The person in control of the property on which an alarm system is installed shall:
(1) To receive notification at any time;
(2) To come to the alarm site within one and one-half hours after receiving a request from a member of the Police Department or the Fire Department to do so; and
(3) To grant access to the alarm site and to deactivate the alarm system if necessary.
(b) Train all persons who may activate the alarm system in the proper operation of the alarm system.
(Ord. 15-87, passed 2-9-1987)