When any expenditure in excess of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) is to be made by the Board for the construction, demolition, alteration, repair or reconstruction of an improvement by contract, the contract shall be in writing with the lowest and best responsible bidder, as determined by the Board.
All bids shall include a bid guaranty or other such requirements as the Board shall specify in the advertisement to bidders or the specifications.
The Board may include in the specifications liquidated damages for each day of delay beyond a specified date.
If the work bid embraces both labor and material, the Board may specify whether such items shall be separately stated with the price thereof in the specifications.
None of the Ohio Revised Code provisions relating to competitive bidding shall apply to the competitive bidding process to be followed by the Board in awarding a public works contract to be entered into by the City through the Board, unless such provisions are specifically and affirmatively incorporated by the terms of these Regulations or the applicable bid package, plans, and specifications.
The competitive bidding process for all public works contracts to be entered into by the City through the Board shall be governed solely by the requirements set forth in these Regulations and in the bid package, plans, and specifications for the applicable project. (Rev. 4-2-12)
1. The Board shall award any such contract only after advertising once a week (for not less than 2 nor more than 4 consecutive weeks) in a newspaper of general circulation in the City.
2. In the alternative, the Board may cause notice to be inserted in trade papers or other publications designated by it or to be distributed by electronic means, including posting the notice on the City's Internet web site. If the Board posts the notice on the City's web site, it may eliminate the second notice otherwise required to be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the City, provided that the first notice published in such newspaper meets all of the following requirements:
It is published at least two weeks before the opening of bids.
It includes a statement that the notice is posted on the City's internet web site.
It includes the internet address of the City's internet web site.
It includes instructions describing how the notice may be accessed on the City's internet web site.