Chap. 606. General Provisions; Administration and Enforcement.
Chap. 610. Advertising, Billposting and Handbills.
Chap. 612. Alcoholic Beverages.
Chap. 618. Animals.
Chap. 630. Gambling.
Chap. 636. Offenses Relating to Persons.
Chap. 642. Offenses Relating to Property.
Chap. 648. Peace Disturbances.
Chap. 662. Nuisance Properties.
Chap. 666. Sex Related Offenses.
Chap. 667. Smoking in Municipal Buildings.
Chap. 668. Vegetation and Litter.
Chap. 670. Watercraft.
Chap. 672. Weapons and Explosives.
Chap. 698. Penalties and Sentencing.
606.01 Definitions
606.02 Culpable mental states
606.03 Classification of offenses
606.04 Offenses defined
606.05 Rules of construction
606.06 Criminal law jurisdiction
606.07 Limitation on criminal prosecutions; voluntary intoxication
606.08 Requirements for criminal liability
606.09 Organizational criminal liability
606.10 Personal accountability for organizational conduct
606.11 Falsification
606.12 False report of child abuse or neglect
606.13 Compounding a crime
606.14 Failure to report a crime or death
606.15 Failure to aid a law enforcement officer
606.16 Obstructing official business
606.17 Obstructing justice
606.18 Resisting arrest
606.19 Compliance with lawful order of police officer; fleeing
606.20 Having an unlawful interest in a public contract
606.21 Soliciting or receiving improper compensation
606.22 Dereliction of duty
606.23 Interfering with civil rights
606.24 Attempts
606.25 Complicity
606.26 Detention of shoplifters and those committing motion picture piracy; protection of institutional property
606.27 Disposition of unclaimed or forfeited property held by Police Department
606.28 Impersonating an officer
606.29 Display of law enforcement agency emblem
606.30 Using sham legal process
606.31 Failure to disclose personal information
606.32 Misuse of 9-1-1 system
606.33 Self defense; limitations on duty to retreat prior to using force