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Avon Lake Overview
Avon Lake, OH Code of Ordinances
Avon Lake, OH Municipal Utilities Regulations
      Chap. 1210. General Provisions.
      Chap. 1212. Administration and Decision-Making Bodies.
      Chap. 1214. Review Procedures.
      Chap. 1216. Zoning Districts and Principal Use Regulations.
      Chap. 1218. Mixed-Use Overlay District (MUO).
      Chap. 1220. Planned Unit Developments (PUD).
      Chap. 1222. Residential Planned Development District (RPD).
      Chap. 1224. Accessory and Temporary Use Regulations.
      Chap. 1226. General Development Standards.
      Chap. 1228. Architectural Standards.
      Chap. 1230. Open Space and Recreation Impact Fee Requirements.
      Chap. 1232. Landscaping and Screening Standards.
      Chap. 1234. Parking, Access, and Mobility Standards.
      Chap. 1236. Sign Standards.
      Chap. 1238. Subdivision Design Standards.
      Chap. 1240. Renewable Energy Systems.
      Chap. 1242. Nonconformities.
      Chap. 1244. Enforcement and Penalties.
      Chap. 1246. Definitions.
1210.01 Purpose
1210.02 Short title
1210.03 Scope and authority
1210.04 Effective date
1210.05 Applicability
1210.06 Comprehensive land use plan and other city plans
1210.07 Interpretation and conflict
1210.08 Relationship with third-party agreements
1210.09 Severability
1210.10 Transitional rules
1210.11 Restoration of unsafe buildings
1210.12 Use of graphics, illustrations, figures and cross-references
1210.13 Burden of proof
§ 1210.01 PURPOSE.
   It is the purpose of this planning and zoning code to promote and protect the public health, safety, comfort, convenience and general welfare of the people of Avon Lake through the establishment of minimum regulations governing the subdivision, development and use of land. Furthermore, the more specific purpose of this planning and zoning code is to:
   (a)   Implement the City of Avon Lake comprehensive land use plan, master thoroughfare plan, comprehensive park and recreation master plan, and other policies or plans adopted by the city as it relates to the development of land;
   (b)   Encourage and facilitate orderly, efficient and appropriate growth and development;
   (c)   Protect the character and the values of the residential, business, industrial and recreational areas and to assure the orderly and beneficial development of these areas;
   (d)   Provide adequate open spaces for light and air for all residents;
   (e)   Protect private investment into properties and the resulting property values;
   (f)   Establish appropriate development density and intensity in order to prevent or reduce congestion and to secure the economy in the cost of providing water supply systems, electricity, sewerage systems, streets, and highways, fire and police protection, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other governmental services;
   (g)   Manage congestion on the streets, to improve the public safety by locating buildings and uses adjacent to streets in such a manner that they will cause the least interference with, and be damaged least by, traffic movements;
   (h)   Provide for adequate access to all areas of the city by people of all abilities and by varied modes of transportation;
   (i)   Encourage interconnectivity of developments in order to provide multiple access points in and out of developments for safety purposes and traffic dispersion;
   (j)   Improve the quality of life through protection of the city’s total environment, including, but not limited to, the prevention of air, water and noise pollution;
   (k)   Avoid the inappropriate subdivision or development of lands and provide for adequate drainage, curbing of erosion, and reduction of flood damage; and
   (l)   Foster a more rational pattern of relationship between agricultural, conservation, residential, business, commercial industrial and institutional uses for the mutual benefit of all.
(Ord. 21-161, passed 12-13-2021)
§ 1210.02 SHORT TITLE.
   These regulations shall be known and may be cited as the “Planning and Zoning Code of the City of Avon Lake”, or referred to as the “planning and zoning code” or the “code”. This code may also be referred to as Part 12 of the code of ordinances of the City of Avon Lake, Ohio.
(Ord. 21-161, passed 12-13-2021)