A gate may be installed only in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor approved by the Fire Chief. Before a gate may be used to control access, it must be inspected and approved by the Fire Department to ensure that it has been properly installed, that it complies with the plans and specifications approved by the Fire Chief and that it is in good working condition.
(Ord. 68-2016, passed 6-13-2016)
Unless earlier revoked in accordance with § 1024.12, a gate permit shall expire on the day preceding the fifth anniversary of its issuance. Application to renew a gate permit shall be submitted on the form provided by the Fire Chief.
(Ord. 68-2016, passed 6-13-2016)
The fees for gate permits shall be as specified in Chapter 208 of the Administration Code - General Fee Schedule.
(Ord. 68-2016, passed 6-13-2016)
Except for gates kept in the open position, gates and their emergency access systems must be maintained in good working condition at all times. Any gate or the emergency access systems for which is not in good working order must be immediately placed in the open position and kept in the open position until the gate and its emergency access systems are in good working condition.
(Ord. 68-2016, passed 6-13-2016; Ord. 120-2016, passed 9-12-2016)
The Fire Chief shall have the right to remove or order the removal of any gate that doesn’t function properly, violates any section of this chapter or for which there is not a valid and current permit, and neither the city, the Fire Chief nor any employee or official of the city shall be liable for any damage caused by such removal.
(Ord. 68-2016, passed 6-13-2016)