(a) A responsible party must be designated for each gate installed or maintained. The responsible party must reside or maintain an office in Lorain County, Ohio. The responsible party shall be primarily liable for the performance of all obligations imposed by this chapter with respect to the installation and maintenance of the gate and the payment of all fees and fines imposed by this chapter with respect to the gate.
(b) The names and contact information required by § 1024.04(a), (b) and (i) must be kept current at all times. The responsible party shall notify the Fire Chief in writing not later than 48 hours of a change in such information.
(Ord. 68-2016, passed 6-13-2016)
(a) Gates must be electrically operated.
(b) Wiring for gates shall be provided by AC current, underground installation.
(c) Gates must fail to the open position when the power is off, and must remain open until power is restored.
(d) As their primary means of emergency access, gates must use one of the following access control systems:
(1) A radio controlled system equipped with a radio receiver capable of receiving access commands from public safety radio transceivers used by the city’s Fire Department and Police Department; or
(2) Any other system approved by the Fire Chief.
(e) As their secondary means of emergency access, gates must be accessible by a digital keypad using a code designated by the Fire Chief. The keypad must be attached to the outside of the gate and must be easily visible from vehicles used by emergency responders.
(f) Gates must be lighted sufficiently to allow for visibility at night without the use of any additional external light source.
(g) A conspicuous sign approved by the Fire Chief shall be attached to or placed near each gate indicating the method for gaining emergency access and the location of any control device that must be manually accessed.
(Ord. 68-2016, passed 6-13-2016; Ord. 120-2016, passed 9-12-2016)
A gate may be installed only in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor approved by the Fire Chief. Before a gate may be used to control access, it must be inspected and approved by the Fire Department to ensure that it has been properly installed, that it complies with the plans and specifications approved by the Fire Chief and that it is in good working condition.
(Ord. 68-2016, passed 6-13-2016)