Bonds, Oaths and Limitations of Liability
   31.001   Bonds; form
   31.002   Oath of office
   31.003   Limits of liability
   31.015   Generally
   31.016   Conflict of interest involving contracts
Social Security
   31.030   Acceptance of system
   31.031   Contracts and agreements
   31.032   Withholdings
   31.033   Fund creation
   31.034   Records and reports
   31.035   Tax levy
Elected Officials
   31.050   Vacancies
   31.051   Restrictions on other employment or elective office
   31.052   Elections; petition candidates; procedure
   31.053   City Mayor; selection and duties
   31.054   City Council; President; Acting President; selection and duties
Appointed Officials
   31.065   Appointment; removal
   31.066   Merger of offices
   31.067   Vacancies
   31.068   City Attorney
   31.069   City Treasurer
   31.070   City Clerk
   31.071   City Physician
   31.072   City Police Chief
   31.073   Police officers
   31.074   City Fire Chief
   31.075   Special Engineer
   31.076   Board of Public Works Manager
   31.077   City Street Commissioner
   31.078   City Zoning Commissioner
   31.079   City Electrical Inspector
   31.080   City Plumbing Inspector
   Removal of police officers, see § 34.04
§ 31.001 BONDS; FORM.
   (A)   The city may require from all officers and servants, elected or appointed, bonds and security for the faithful performance of their duty. All official bonds of the city shall be in form joint and several and made payable to the city in such penalty as the City Council may fix by resolution; provided, the penalty amount of any bond shall not be less than any legal minimum established therefor pursuant to the laws of the state, including, but not limited to, Neb. RS 11-119, 11-120 and 17-541, as amended or superseded. All official bonds of city officers shall be executed by the principal named in the bonds and by the sureties as shall be required by ordinance and by the laws of the state, including, but not limited to, Neb. RS 11-109, 11-114 and 11-118,as amended or superseded. No city official, while still in his or her official term of office, shall be accepted as surety on any other official’s bond, contractor’s bond, license bond or appeal bond under any circumstances. The premium on any official bond required to be given may be paid out of the General Fund or other proper city fund, upon the adoption of a resolution to that effect by the City Council at the beginning of any city year. All bonds herein required shall obligate the principal and sureties for the faithful discharge of all duties required by law of the principal and shall ensure to the benefit of any persons injured by a breach of the conditions of the bonds. No bond shall be deemed to be given or complete until the approval of the City Council and all sureties are endorsed in writing on the instrument by the Mayor and the City Clerk pursuant to the approval of the City Council. All official bonds meeting the conditions herein shall, be filed with the City Clerk for his or her official records and the City Clerk shall carefully record and preserve the same and shall give certified copies thereof under the seal of his or her office upon the payment of the fee as shall be set by resolution of the City Council. Any official who is re-elected to office shall be required to file a new bond, as herein provided, after each election. In the event that the sureties on the official bond of any officer of the city, in the opinion of the City Council, shall become insufficient, the City Council may, by resolution, fix a reasonable time within which the officer may give a new bond or additional sureties as directed. In the event that the officer should fail, refuse or neglect to give the new bond or additional sureties to the satisfaction of the City Council, then the office shall become vacant and it shall be the duty of the City Council to fill the vacancy as provided by the laws of the state.
(Prior Code, § 1-301)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see Neb. RS 17-604, 11-103, 11-104, 11-109 through 11-120