Fiscal Management Generally
37.01 Fiscal year
37.02 Adopted budget statement; filing; certification of tax amount
37.03 Expenditures prior to budget adoption
37.04 Budget procedure
37.05 Property tax; certification of amount
37.06 Appropriations
37.07 Expenditures
37.08 Contracts and purchases; bidding and other requirements
37.09 Claims
37.10 Warrants
37.11 Special Assessment Fund
37.12 Establishment of sinking funds
37.13 Deposit of funds; certificates; time deposits; conditions
37.14 Investment of funds
37.15 Bond issues
37.16 Proprietary functions; fiscal year; budget statements; filing; hearing; adoption; reconciliation
37.17 Collection of special assessments; procedure
37.18 Property tax; levy maximum and request; authority to set and exceed
37.19 All-purpose levy; allocation; abandonment; extraordinary levies
37.20 Credit cards and electronic fund transfers; authority to accept
37.21 Revision of budget
Proposed Budget Statement
37.35 Contents; availability; correction
37.36 Hearing; adoption; certification of tax amount
The fiscal year of the city and any public utility of the city commences on October 1 and extends through the following September 30, except as provided in the City Proprietary Function Act.
(Prior Code, § 1-801) (Ord. 2-96, passed 1-8-1996)
Statutory reference:
Related provisions, see Neb. RS 17-701