141.01 Duties relative to Municipal Court.
141.02 Records of arrest, confinements and convictions.
141.03 Employment of detectives and investigators.
141.04 Auxiliary Police Unit established; duties of City Manager.
141.05 Auxiliary Police maximum number; qualifications.
141.06 Auxiliary Police Unit control by Police Chief uniforms required.
141.07 Auxiliary Police services voluntary and nonpaying; pension and civil service not applicable.
141.08 Chief to control stationing and transferring.
141.09 Contract for Worker’s compensation authorized.
141.10 Residency requirement.
141.11 Composition, appointments and lateral transfers.
141.12 Costs of confinement; reimbursement.
141.13 Fingerprint/background checks; fees.
Auxiliary police - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 737.051
General duties - see Ohio R.C. 737.11
It shall be the duty of the Police Chief, by himself or by his deputy to attend sessions of the Municipal Court when so required by the judge, and to execute its orders and process, preserve order therein, and perform other duties as are imposed by law or ordinance.
(1980 Code 34.05)
It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police, or such other officers as may be in charge of the City jail, to keep a record book of all persons, who are arrested and confined therein, the act or acts constituting the violation of the law or ordinance for which they shall have been severally arrested, the names of the witnesses, the name of the officer who made the arrest, and such other remarks and information as may be requisite, together with the records of all persons who are set free without paying the fines and costs imposed upon them by the Municipal Court. The record shall fully set forth and contain a full account of the reason why such persons were discharged, each with the amount of fines and costs assessed against him and with the number of the case on the docket. The Chief shall sign a certificate to such record in each and every case, and the record so kept shall at all times be at the disposal of the judge of the Municipal Court.
(1980 Code 34.06)
The City Manager is authorized to employ detectives and investigative officers to secure the enforcement of the laws of the State and the ordinances of the City. These detectives and officers shall be paid from the fund hereinafter provided, upon vouchers approved by the City Manager.
(1980 Code 34.09)