143.01 Duties of Fire Chief.
143.02 Duties of Captains.
143.03 Incurrence of liabilities; purchase of supplies.
143.04 EMT certification required.
143.05 Residency requirement.
143.06 State-wide emergency response plan.
143.07 Charges for City emergency medical services.
General duties - see Ohio R.C. 737.11
(a) The Fire Chief shall have supervision over all the members of the Division of Fire and all other persons who may be present at fires, and shall have police powers at all fires. It shall be the Chief's duty to examine the condition of all engines, and other apparatus belonging to the City and used by the Division, as often as the circumstances render it expedient or when directed to do so by resolution of Council. Whenever any of the buildings or apparatus used by the Division require alteration, addition or repair, he shall report the same in writing to Council with an estimate of the cost thereof.
(b) It shall be the duty of the Fire Chief to receive all returns by the officers of the respective companies and all communications relating to the Division and to keep fair and accurate rolls of the respective platoons specifying the time of admission and discharge and the age of each member. He shall report in writing such information to Council annually or when requested by resolution of Council. He shall also report all fires occurring within the City with the causes thereof, as well as can be ascertained, the number and description of buildings destroyed or injured, and the names of the owners or occupants. He shall at least once in each year report to Council a complete detailed inventory with the condition and estimated value of all the property pertaining to the Division and owned by the City.
(1980 Code 34.52)
It shall be the duty of the Captains of companies to command their respective companies and to see that the engines, hose and all other apparatus committed to the care of their respective companies and the several buildings in which they are deposited, and all things in and belonging to the same, are kept neat and clean and in order for immediate use. It shall also be their duty to preserve order and discipline at all times in their respective companies, to require and enforce a strict compliance with the ordinances of Council and the rules and regulations of the Division of Fire, and to report annually, and as often as required, in writing to the Fire Chief such facts as the Chief is required to report to Council.
(1980 Code 34.53)
No officer or member of the Division of Fire, except the Fire Chief shall incur any liabilities for the Division to be paid by the City, except by the authority of Council. The Fire Chief shall not incur any liability to be paid by the City, except in case of urgent necessity or when directed by Council. All supplies for the Division shall be purchased by the City Purchasing Agent after having received authority from Council to do so.
(1980 Code 34.54)