The Council shall at all times control the distribution of space in, over, under or across all streets or public grounds occupied by public utility fixtures. All rights granted for the construction and operation of public utilities shall be subject to the continuing right of Council to require such reconstruction, re-location, change or discontinuance of the appliances used by the utility in the streets, alleys, avenues, and highways, of the City, as shall in the opinion of the Council be necessary in the public interest.
The Council in fixing the salary of any officer, clerk or employee shall determine whether such officer, clerk, or employee shall give a bond, the amount thereof, which bond shall be given by such officer, clerk or employee with security to the approval of the Mayor and Council and be then filed with the Director of Finance and Public Record.
All persons holding office at the time this Charter goes into effect shall continue in office and in the performance of their duties until provision shall have been otherwise made in accordance with this Charter for the performance or discontinuance of the duties of any such office. When such provision shall have been made the term of any such officer shall expire and the office be deemed abolished. The powers which are conferred and the duties which are impose upon any officer, commission, board or department of the City under the laws of the State shall, if such office or department is abolished by this Charter, be thereafter exercised and discharged by the officer, board or department upon whom are imposed corresponding functions, powers and duties hereunder.
Every officer of the City shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take and subscribe to an oath or affirmation, to be filed and kept in the office of the Director of Finance and Public Record, that he will in all respect faithfully discharge the duties of his office.
No officer or employee of the City shall have a personal interest, direct or indirect, in any contract with the City or be personally interested, directly or indirectly, in the sale to the City of any supplies, material, service or land, except on behalf of the City as an officer or employee. Any willful violation of this section shall constitute malfeasance in office, and any officer or employee found guilty thereof shall thereby forfeit his office.
For the purpose of electing officers and exercising the powers of the City as provided herein, this Charter shall take effect from the time of its approval by the electors of the City. For the purpose of establishing departments, divisions and offices, and distributing the functions thereof, and for all other purposes it shall take effect on the first day of January, 1916.
Unless the context otherwise clearly requires, references to the masculine form include the feminine and neuter form, references to the plural include the singular and references to the singular include the plural. (Approved by Voters 11-6-07)