Any elector of this Municipality save and except as is hereinbefore provided may become a candidate for any elective office provided for by this Charter by filing with the Board of Deputy State Supervisors a nominating petition signed by not less than ten (10) per centum of the total number of votes cast for Mayor at the last regular Municipal election. Such nomination by petition shall in all particulars conform to the requirements prescribed by general law.
All officers provided to be elected in this Charter shall be elected upon one ballot without party designation. The names of all candidates nominated by primary election or by petition as herein provided for shall be placed upon this ballot under the proper heading designating the office to be filled and the number of persons to be voted for and the names of candidates shall be printed in rotation as follows: The ballot shall be printed in as many series as there are candidates for the office for which there is the greatest number of candidates. There shall be an equal number of ballots printed in each series and the names of the candidates for each office shall be arranged in alphabetical order under the title thereof in printing the first series. In each succeeding series the first name in each list of candidates for each office shall be printed last in such list until each name in the largest list shall have been printed first an equal number of times. The ballots so printed shall then be combined in tables, so as to have the fewest possible ballots having the same order of names printed thereon together in the same tablet. The ballots shall in all other respects conform as nearly as may be to the form prescribed by the general election laws of the State, and the regular election shall be held and its results determined as prescribed by law.
All other elections held under this Charter, except those designated as regular Municipal and primary elections, shall be known as special Municipal elections and, except as otherwise provided herein, shall be conducted and the results canvassed and announced by the election authorities as prescribed by the general election laws of the State.
A petition demanding the removal of such officer or officers shall be filed with the Clerk of the Council signed by at least thirty-five (35) per centum of the qualified voters of the Municipality, based upon the number of votes cast for Mayor at the last Municipal election, and containing a general statement of not more than two hundred words of the ground upon which the removal is sought.
Such petition shall be secured from the Clerk of Council by one or more qualified electors who shall file an affidavit stating the name and office of the officer or officers sought to be removed. Upon issuing such petition papers to an elector or electors the Clerk shall make record of same and to whom issued and shall certify on such petitions the name of the elector or electors to whom issued and the date.
The signatures to such petitions need not be appended to any one paper, but all such signatures shall be made in ink or indelible pencil, and to each petition paper shall be attached the affidavit of the circulator thereof, stating the number of signers to such part of the petition and that each signature appended to the paper was made in his presence and is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be.
All petition papers comprising a recall petition shall be assembled and filed with the Clerk within thirty days from the issuance of the petitions to the electors filing the demand of removal. The Clerk shall forthwith present the complete petition for recall to the Council and if the form, regularity, and sufficiency of the petition shall be found sufficient the person or persons whose removal is sought shall be notified by the Clerk within five days. If the person, or persons, whose removal is sought does not resign within five days after receiving official notice of the sufficiency of the recall petition, the Council shall thereupon order and fix by resolution a day for a recall election and such election shall be held not less than forty (40) nor more than sixty (60) days after the filing of the complete petition with the Council.
The ballot at such recall election shall conform to the following requirements:
With respect to each person whose removal is sought the question shall be submitted, "Shall (name of person) be removed from office (name of office) by recall ? "
Immediately following each such question shall be printed on the ballot in the order set forth the following propositions:
For the recall of (name of person),
Against the recall of (name of person).
Immediately following each such question shall be printed a square in which the electors by placing a cross mark (X) may vote for either of such propositions.
The name of the officer whose removal is sought shall not appear on the ballot as a candidate to succeed himself.
Immediately under such questions and propositions shall be placed the names of candidates to fill the vacancy or vacancies. Candidates for such vacancy shall be nominated by petition by filing with the proper election authorities at least twenty days prior to such recall election a petition containing not less than ten (10) per centum of the total vote cast for Mayor at the last election. Such nominating petition shall in all other particulars conform to the general statutes of the State governing nominations by petition.