When it becomes necessary, in the opinion of the Mayor or in the prosecution of any work or improvement under contract, to make alterations or modifications in such contract, such alterations or modifications shall be made only upon the order of said Mayor in writing. Provided, however, that such alterations or modifications must be approved by the Council in case such involves an additional expenditure exceeding five thousand dollars ($5,000.00). No such order shall be effective until the price to be paid for the work and material, or both, under the altered or modified contract, has been agreed upon in writing and signed by the contractor and the Mayor in behalf of the City. (Approved by voters 11-4-14)
A proprietor of lots or grounds within the City who subdivides or lays them out for sale, shall cause to be made an accurate map or plat of such subdivision, describing with certainty all grounds laid out, or granted for streets, alleys, ways, commons, or other public uses. Lots sold or intended for sale shall be numbered by progressive numbers, or described by the squares in which situated, and the precise length and width shall be given of such lot sold, or intended for sale. Such map or plat shall be subscribed by the proprietor, or his agent duly authorized in writing, acknowledged before an officer authorized to take the acknowledgment of deeds, who shall certify the acknowledgment of the instrument; and recorded in the office of the County Recorder.
The map or plat so recorded shall thereupon be a sufficient conveyance to vest in the City the fee of the parcel or parcels of land designated or intended for streets, alleys, ways, commons, or other public uses, to be held in the corporate name in trust to and for the uses and purposes in the instrument set forth, expressed, designated or intended.
The Council shall provide for the care, supervision, control and improvement of public highways, streets, avenues, alleys, sidewalks, public grounds, bridges, aqueducts, and viaducts, within the City, and shall cause them to be kept open, in repair and free from nuisance.