The salary of the Mayor shall be fixed by the Council and it shall not be increased or diminished during the term for which he was chosen nor at any other time except in an even numbered year. The salary of the Mayor first elected under this charter shall be fixed by the outgoing Council; and shall not be more than $1,500.00 and not less than $1,000.00 per annum.
If the Mayor shall die, resign or move his residence from the City during the term of his office, Council shall, within thirty (30) days, appoint a successor to serve as Mayor for the unexpired term. If the President of Council succeeds to the office of Mayor, the Council shall promptly elect one of its members as President. If the Mayor shall be absent from the City or unable to perform his duties for reasons other than death, resignation or removal of his residence from the City, then the Director of Law shall become the acting Mayor and during such periods shall have the same powers and perform the same duties as the Mayor. If the Director of Law shall be absent from the City or unable to perform the duties of acting Mayor, then the Director of Finance and Public Record shall become the acting Mayor for the period during which the Director of Law is absent from the City or unable to perform said duties or until the Mayor shall resume his duties, whichever shall first occur, and the said Director of Finance and Public Record shall have the same powers and perform the same duties as the Mayor. Performance of the duties as acting Mayor shall not cause either the Director of Law or Director of Finance and Public Record to vacate his respective office.
(Amended November 7, 1989)
The Mayor shall be the chief executive officer of the City, the chief conservator of the peace therein, and the Director of Public Safety and the Director of Public Service as hereinafter prescribed. It shall be his duty to see that the laws of the State of Ohio and the ordinances of the City are faithfully obeyed and enforced within the City, and to appoint all officers and employees of the City whose election or appointment is not otherwise expressly provided for by law by this Charter, or by ordinance, and he shall have such other powers and duties, not in conflict with the provisions of this Charter, as are provided by law for mayors of cities.
(Amended November 7, 1989)
The Mayor shall be ex-officio the Director of Public Safety and the Director of Public Service and as such shall exercise all powers and perform all duties as have heretofore been delegated to and conferred upon the Director of Public Safety and the Director of Public Service by the laws of the State of Ohio.
In conformity with this Charter provision and Section 52 of the Charter, the Mayor shall appoint and designate the Chief of Police and the Chief of Fire. Said appointments of the Chief of Police and the Chief of Fire may be from within or from outside of the ranks of the Division of Police and Division of Fire. (Amended November 6, 2007)