The Council shall choose such officers and employees of its own body as are necessary provided that the Director of Finance and Public Record shall be its Clerk without additional compensation therefor. (EDITOR'S NOTE: The Director of Finance and Public Record is no longer the Clerk of Council. By Charter amendment enacted November 7, 1989, the separate position of Clerk of Council was created. )
The Clerk shall keep the records of the Council and perform such other duties as may be required by ordinance or resolution.
All officers and employees chosen by the Council shall serve during the pleasure thereof.
Each proposed ordinance or resolution shall be introduced in written or printed form, and shall not contain more than one subject which shall be clearly stated in the title; but general appropriation ordinances may contain the various subjects and accounts for which moneys are appropriated.
The enacting clause of all ordinances passed by the Council shall be, "Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Ashland."
The enacting clause of all ordinances submitted to the initiative shall be, "Be it ordained by the people of the City of Ashland."
No ordinance or resolution or section thereof shall be revised or amended, unless the new ordinance or resolution contains the entire ordinance or resolution or section revised or amended, and the ordinance, resolution, section or sections so amended shall be repealed.
Any ordinance or resolution passed by the Council shall be signed by the President and presented to the Mayor by the Clerk. If the Mayor approves such ordinance or resolution he shall sign it within ten (10) days after its passage or adoption by the Council; but if he does not approve it, he shall return it to the Council with his objections within said ten (10) days, or if the Council be not then in session, at the next regular meeting thereof, which objections the Council shall cause to be entered in full on its Journal. If the Mayor does not sign or veto an ordinance or resolution after its passage or adoption within the time specified, it shall take effect in the same manner as if he had signed it. The Mayor may approve or disapprove the whole or any item or part of any ordinance or resolution appropriating money. When the Mayor refuses to sign an ordinance or resolution or part thereof and returns it to the Council with his objections, the Council shall, not later than the next regular meeting, proceed to reconsider it, and, if upon such consideration, the resolution or ordinance or part or item thereof disapproved by the Mayor is approved by the vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to the Council it shall then take effect as if it had received the signature of the Mayor. In all such cases the votes shall be taken by "yeas" and "nays" and entered upon the Journal.
(Amended November 7, 1989)
The fixed year of the City shall begin the first day of January. On or before the fifteenth day of November in each year the Mayor, the Director of Law and the Director of Finance and Public Record shall prepare an estimate of the expense of conducting the affairs of the City for the following year, save and except however that on or before the first Tuesday in January, 1916, the Mayor, Director of Law, and Director of Finance and Public Record shall prepare an estimate of the expenses of conducting the affairs of the City for the year 1916, as is hereinafter provided, which shall at once prepare an appropriation ordinance, and pass the same on or before the first Tuesday in January, 1916. This estimate shall be compiled from detailed information obtained from the various departments on uniform blanks prepared by the Director of Finance and Public Record, and shall set forth:
(a) An itemized estimate of the expense of conducting each department;
(b) Comparisons of such estimates with the corresponding items of expenditure for the last two complete fiscal years and with the expenditures of the current fiscal year plus an estimate of expenditures necessary to complete the current fiscal year;
(c) Reasons for proposed increases or decreases in such items of expenditure compared with the current fiscal year;
(d) A separate schedule for each department showing the things necessary for the department to do during the year and which of any desirable things it ought to do if possible;
(e) Items of payroll increases as either additional pay to present employees, or pay for more employees;
(f) An itemization of all anticipated revenue from sources other than the tax levy;
(g) The amounts required for interest on the City's debt, and for sinking funds as required by law;
(h) The total amount of the outstanding City debt with a schedule of maturities of bond issues;
(i) A statement from the Director of Finance and Public Record of the total probable income of the City from taxes for the period covered by the Mayor's estimate;
(j) Such other information as may be required by the Council.
Upon the receipt of the estimate the Council shall at once prepare an appropriation ordinance, in such manner as may be provided by ordinance or resolution, using the estimate as a basis. Provision shall be made for public hearings upon the appropriation ordinance before a committee of the Council or before the entire Council sitting as a committee of the whole.
Any accruing revenue of the City, not appropriated as hereinbefore provided, and any balance at any time remaining after the purposes of the appropriation shall have been satisfied or abandoned may from time to time be appropriated or transferred by ordinance by the Council to such uses or other fund or funds as will not conflict with any uses for which specifically such revenues accrued.
No money shall be drawn from the Treasury of the City, nor shall any obligation for the expenditure of money be incurred, except pursuant to appropriations made by the Council. At the end of each year all unexpended balances of appropriations if any shall revert to the respective funds from which the same were appropriated and shall then be subject to future appropriations, but appropriations may be made in furtherance of improvements or other objects or work of the City which will not be complete within the current year.
Money appropriated as hereinbefore provided shall not be used for purposes other than those designated in the appropriation ordinance; provided however that the Council may from time to time appropriate or transfer such moneys so appropriated by the appropriation ordinance, by ordinance to such uses, or other fund or funds as will not conflict with any uses for which specifically such revenues accrued.
Every ordinance or resolution upon its final passage shall be recorded in a book kept for that purpose, and shall be authenticated by the signature of the President and Clerk of Council or in the absence or disability of either by such substitute for either as may be designated by Council. A copy of every ordinance or resolution shall be made available to the public upon demand or be published once in one newspaper of general circulation in the City.
(Amended November 7, 1989)
The Council shall create by ordinance such officers, clerks and employees in each department of the City government as are necessary for the transaction of the City's business. Such positions as are in the department of the Director of Law shall be filled by appointment by him; such positions as are in the department of the Director of Finance and Public Record shall be filled by appointment by him; all other such positions shall be filled by the Mayor. Further, the Council shall fix the compensation of each officer, clerk and employee so created. All fees pertaining to any office shall be paid into the City Treasury by the incumbent thereof.
(Approved by Voters 11-5-63)