Vol. No.,
Pg. No. or
Ord. No.    Date   Description
V-1, P. 457   4-21-02   Pure St. to East Liberty St.
V-2, P. 162   2-6-11   Numerous streets and alleys named or renamed.
V-2, P. 164   2-20-11   Bank St. to College Ave.
129   3-17-14   St. Claremont Ave. to Lincoln Way.
197   8-3-15   Diamond St. to Wilson Ave.
201   9-7-15   Diamond St. to South St.
574   9-3-29   Rochester St. to Brookside Dr.
3093   4-7-47   Lincoln Way to Claremont Ave.
3438   2-5-51   Keetch Ave. to Leawood Ave.
3439   2-19-51   Ellis St. and Ellis Court to Ellis Ave.
3844   8-15-55   Miller Ave. extension to Jacobson Ave.
4006   1-21-57   3rd St. to Curtis St.; 4th St. to Burr St.; 5th St. to Adams St.
27-58   6-3-58   Oakwood Dr. to Hillcrest Dr.
28-63   5-7-63   14 streets and alleys changed.
21-64   3-3-64   Richard Dr. to Cooper Dr.
57-70   7-21-70   Certain public street named Hofer Dr.
69-71   11-2-71   Eastlake Dr., Westlake Dr., Fleetwood Dr.
75-71   12-7-71   Mifflin Ave.
73-73   10-16-73   Fleetwood Dr. to Faultless Dr.
58-79   9-18-79   Street stub between Lots 2984 and 2985, S. Ashland from Canterbury Dr. to Woodland Dr.
53-84   10-16-84   Annexed portion of Twp. Rd. 805 to George Rd.
19-88   3-15-88   Portion of Electric Ave. to Myers Parkway.
33-89   6-20-89   Highland Ave. to Highland Blvd.
34-89   6-20-89   Portion of Dove Dr. to Crestview Dr. and portion of Crestview Dr. to Dove Dr.
28-97   5-20-97   Changes name of 11 streets (Baney Rd. et seq.).
75-96   11-19-96   Summit St. to Summit Dr.
7-00   1-18-00   Foxhaven Drive (East of Mifflin Avenue) to Red Oak Drive.
68-06   7-18-06   Elmarna Ave. from Thomas Drive west to Williamsburg Court.
66-15   9-1-15   The portion of County Road 1575 which is now within the City of Ashland, and such portion as may hereafter be annexed by the City, is hereby designated as Montgomery Road.
94-23   12-19-23   Montgomery Township Road 743, which is not within the City be known and is hereby designated as Enterprise Parkway.