(a) Any development site greater than two acres in size shall be permitted to determine the area of existing tree canopy coverage to be preserved by ground checking or aerial analysis according to the most recent data provided by the city. Tree canopy calculated by aerial analysis shall be limited to that within the boundary of the subject property. If ground checking is utilized, credit for existing trees intended to be retained may be calculated by the following methods:
(1) Measurement of the trunk of each individual tree (i.e. a tree not grouped with other trees or a part of a forested condition) to determine its diameter at breast height (herein “DBH”) and the credit given for that tree shall be in accordance with Table 7-19.4, below. Heritage trees utilized for credit shall be allowed to count for 200% of the listed canopy value in Table 7-19.4 or measured canopy value; or
(2) The dripline may be plotted on the site plan and tree canopy credit given for the square footage of the area within the dripline as measured using geographic information systems software; or
(3) Measurement of the canopy of each individual tree (i.e. a tree not grouped with other trees or part of forested condition) as illustrated in Figure 7-19.1, “Calculating Tree Canopy Cover.”
(b) For any development site two acres or less in size the area of tree canopy coverage for any group of trees to be retained in order to meet the tree canopy requirements of this Part shall be determined by ground checking. Credit for existing trees intended to be retained may be calculated in either of two ways:
(1) Measurement of the trunk to determine its DBH and the credit given for that tree shall be in accordance with Table 7-19.4, below; or
(2) Measurement of the canopy of each individual tree (i.e. a tree not grouped with other trees or part of forested condition) as illustrated in Figure 7-19.1, “Calculating Tree Canopy Cover.”
(c) Trees planted within one calendar year of the date of development application shall not be included in the calculation of existing tree canopy.
(d) The calculation must be conducted and certified by a forester, land surveyor, civil engineer, landscape architect licensed by the State of North Carolina or Arborist certified by the International Society of Arboriculture.
Table 7-19.4 - Tree Canopy Credit for Preserved Trees
*As found in recommended species list.
**Heritage trees utilized for credit shall be allowed to count for 200% of the listed canopy value in this section.
Table 7-19.5 - Tree Canopy Credit for Newly Installed Trees
As found in recommended species list
(Ord. No. 4824, § 1h, 9-8-20; Ord. No. 5103, § 1b, 9-24-24)