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Asheville, NC Code of Ordinances
Asheville, Standard Specifications and Details Manual



Cross reference(s)—Fire prevention and protection, ch. 6; development, ch. 7; historic preservation, ch. 8; licenses, permits and business regulations, ch. 9; offenses and miscellaneous provisions, ch. 11; soil erosion and sedimentation control, ch. 14; solid waste management, ch. 15; streets, sidewalks and other public places, ch. 16; subdivisions, ch. 17; trees, ch. 20; zoning, app. A.
State law reference(s)—Building code council and building code, G.S. 143-136 et seq.; adoption of technical codes by reference, G.S. 160A-76.
Sec. 4-1. Permit required.
No person shall commence or proceed with the construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, removal or demolition of any building or other structure, or any part thereof, without a written permit therefore from the building inspections division. Failure to obtain a such written permit shall constitute a violation of this article and subject the offender to a civil penalty in the amount of $100.00, which may be recovered by the city in a civil action in the nature of a debt if the offender does not pay the penalty within a prescribed period of time after he has been cited for violation of the ordinance, but shall not subject the offender to the penalty provisions of N.C. Gen. Stat. sec. 14-4.
(Code 1965, § 8-4; Ord. No. 2242, § 1, 9-26-95)
Sec. 4-2. Permit fees.
The fees for permits shall be as set forth in the city fees and charges manual at the time of approval of the application and shall be collected prior to the beginning of any work. Each subcontractor or his agent shall be responsible for the payment of the permit fees charged, to enable him to perform the work for which the permit is issued.
(Code 1965, § 8-12)
Sec. 4-3. Building codes adopted.
(a)   The North Carolina State Building Code, Volume I, General Construction, with all supplements and amendments thereto, ratified and adopted by the North Carolina Building Code Council, in full effect and having the force of law within the territorial jurisdiction of the city under the provisions of G.S. 143-138, is affirmed to be the building code for the city and is incorporated by reference in this section as fully and completely as if written verbatim in this section.
(b)   The North Carolina Uniform Residential Building Code, Volume IB, with all supplements and amendments thereto, ratified and adopted by the North Carolina Building Code Council, in full effect and having the force of law within the territorial jurisdiction of the city under the pro-visions of G.S. 143-138, is affirmed to be the residential building code for the city and is incorporated by reference in this section as fully and completely as if written verbatim in this section.
(c)   Not less than three copies each of such codes are filed as public records in the office of the building inspections division.
(d)   Where the provisions of these codes are similar with the provisions of other applicable laws, codes or ordinances, the more stringent provision shall apply.
(Code 1965, §§ 8-1, 8-3)