1 | Cross reference(s)— Licenses, permits and business regulations, ch. 9 ; nuisances, ch. 10 ; offenses and miscellaneous provisions, ch. 11 ; police, ch. 13 ; traffic, ch. 19 ; zoning, app. A; traffic schedules, app. C. State law reference(s)— Authority to regulate taxicabs, G.S. 160A-304. |
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Certificate means a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued by the taxicab inspector authorizing the holder thereof to conduct a taxicab business in the City of Asheville.
Driver's permit means the license issued by the taxicab inspector to any person to enable that person to drive a taxicab vehicle upon the streets of the City of Asheville.
Exclusive-ride service means the operation of a taxicab by transporting one passenger, or a group of passengers, from one trip origin to one destination and not allowing additional passengers to board until the prescribed destination is reached.
For-hire vehicle means and includes any full sized station wagon or van style vehicle, not equipped with a taximeter, used for the purpose of transporting passengers for a set charge or fee, based upon the origin or destination requested. For the purpose of this chapter, the term "for-hire vehicle" shall not include "taxicab" or "limousine" as herein defined.
Insignia means a non-transferable dated window decal to provide exterior identification that a particular taxicab has a valid certificate associated with it.
Limousine means and includes a full size chauffeur-driven sedan, often equipped with a glass partition separating the driver and passenger compartments, which is not equipped with a taximeter, and for which set charges or fees for use are based on the period of hours or days the vehicle is used and not on the number of miles operated or the origin or destination requested. For the purposes of this chapter, the term "limousine" shall not include "for-hire vehicle" or "taxicab" as herein defined.
Manifest means a daily record, prepared by the owner, of all trips made by the taxicab(s) which the owner operates, showing time and place of origin and destination of each trip and the amount of fare.
Owner/holder means any person, firm or corporation to whom a certificate of public convenience and necessity has been issued under this chapter.
Shared-ride service means the operation of a taxicab by transporting passengers from one or several difference origins to one or several different destinations, not necessarily using the most direct route, but using a route that will allow the driver to deviate in order to pick up or discharge passengers other than, and in addition to, the first or original passenger.
Taxicab means and includes any motor driven vehicle, seating nine or fewer passengers, for which public patronage is solicited and which calculates the fare by means of a taximeter. For the purposes of this chapter, the term "taxicab" shall not include "limousine" or "for-hire vehicle" as herein defined.
Taxicab inspector means the person designated by the city manager, or his designee, who is charged with the duties required under this chapter, including the inspection and licensing of taxicabs, and the drivers thereof.
Taximeter means any mechanical or electrical device which records and indicates a charge or fare calculated according to distance traveled, waiting time, traffic delay, initial charge, number of passengers, and other charges authorized by this chapter, or any combination of any of the foregoing.
(Code 1965, § 27-1; Ord. No. 1661, 11-24-87; Ord. No. 2773, § 1, 11-28-00)
Cross reference(s)—Definitions and rules of construction generally, § 1-2.