Chapter 20 TREES 1
1 | Editor's note(s)— Ord. No. 2378, § 1, adopted June 10, 1997, repealed Ch. 20, in its entirety, which pertained to trees. Said section also enacted provisions designated as a new Ch. 20 to read as herein set out. See the Code Comparative Table. Cross reference(s)— Asheville Tree/Greenway Commission, § 2-156; buildings and building regulations, ch. 4; cemeteries, ch. 6; historic preservation, ch. 8; parks and recreation, ch. 12; soil erosion and sedimentation control, ch. 14; subdivisions, ch. 17; zoning, app. A. State law reference(s)— Damages for unlawful cutting, removal or burning of trees, G.S. 1-539.1; cutting timber on town watershed, G.S. 14-383; permit required for planting or removal of trees on state highway, G.S. 136-93; designation of official state tree, G.S. 145-3. |
The City of Asheville, realizing that trees have a profound effect on the quality of life in the community, deems it necessary and desirable in the interest of public health, safety and welfare to enact an ordinance for the preservation, planting, replacement and removal of trees without denying the reasonable use and enjoyment of real property.
The purpose of this chapter is to regulate the planting of new trees and shrubbery; to vigorously encourage the protection of existing trees and shrubbery, including their root systems; to regulate the preservation, replacement and indiscriminate removal of trees and to establish procedures for fulfilling these purposes.
(Ord. No. 2378, § 1, 6-1-97)