The City of Asheville is a delegated agency of the State to approve and regulate best management practices for soil erosion and sedimentation control measures within the City Limits in order to manage the adverse effects of sedimentation and pollutants to adjacent properties and the area’s waterways by a development’s stormwater run off.
Temporary and permanent erosion control measures shall be provided for all land disturbing work in accordance with an erosion control plan approved by the City of Asheville. A grading permit shall be obtained from the Development Services Department prior to construction. Temporary measures shall be installed and inspected by the City of Asheville for compliance prior to any land disturbing activity. All permanent erosion control measures shall be incorporated into the work at the earliest practical time. All temporary measures shall be maintained until the permanent measures have taken effect. Temporary and permanent measures shall be coordinated to provide effective and continuous erosion control throughout the construction and post- construction period to prevent offsite sedimentation. These measures shall remain in effect until final approval is given by the City of Asheville.
Examples of temporary erosion control measures include but are not limited to the following:
7B.01a Silt Fence. Prior to construction beginning, silt fence must be installed down slope of all disturbed areas and any other necessary locations as directed by the Public Works Department. Silt fence shall be erected in accordance with “Standard Detail 7.01: Standard Temporary Silt Fence”.
7B.01b Silt Fence Reinforced Stabilized Outlet. In locations where sediment laden runoff may overtop a Standard Temporary Silt Fence and create further erosion, incorporate a reinforced stabilized outlet into the silt fence in accordance with "Standard Detail 7.01A: Silt Fence Reinforced Stabilized Outlet".
7B.01c Construction Entrance. A construction entrance shall be installed at all points of access to construction sites. Any access point which does not have a construction entrance shall be barricaded to prevent its use. Construction entrances shall be installed in accordance with “Standard Detail 7.02: Residential Construction Entrance” or “7.03: Commercial Construction Entrance”. The contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of existing sidewalks and streets impacted by construction activities.
7B.1d Sediment Basins. A sediment basin is an earthen embankment suitably located to capture sediment. Unless the basin is designed to be converted to a stormwater pond it shall have a lifespan of three years or less. Sediment basins can be used for drainage areas up to 100 acres in size. Dewatering of sediment basins shall be accomplished by either a skimmer, flashboard riser, or other methods approved by the City of Asheville or NCDENR. Perforated corrugated metal pipe risers shall not be accepted. The volume of a sediment basin shall be determined on the basis of 1,800 cubic feet of basin volume per acre of disturbed area. Do not locate sediment basins in intermittent or perennial streams. Sediment basins shall be installed in accordance with “Standard Detail 7.09: Skimmer Sediment Basin”.
7B.01e Sediment Traps. A sediment trap is a small temporary ponding basin formed by an embankment or excavation to capture sediment. A sediment trap shall be used two years or less and can be used for drainage areas up to five (5) acres in size. Dewatering of sediment traps shall be accomplished by a stone spillway. The volume of a sediment trap shall be determined on the basis of 3,600 cubic feet of trap volume per acre of disturbed area or in accordance with the most current version of the Erosion and Sediment Control Manual. Do not locate sediment basins in intermittent or perennial streams. Sediment traps shall be installed in accordance with “Standard Detail 7.08: Temporary Sediment Trap”.
7B.01f Check Dam and Wattle. Check dams are small stone dams and wattles are tubular shaped straw or coir (coconut fiber) filled fabric dams constructed across a drainage way. Both practices may be used as a temporary measure to limit erosion by reducing velocity in small open channels. When needed, they can be used in channels, roadside ditches and temporary diversions. The drainage area is limited to one half acre. Do not use check dams in intermittent or perennial streams. Check dams and wattles shall be installed in accordance with “Standard Details 7.06: Check Dam” and “7.05: Wattle Detail”.
7B.01g Inlet Protection. Inlet protection must be placed in accordance with the “Standard Detail 7.11: Standard Catch Basin Inlet Protection” or “7.11A: Block and Gravel Inlet Protection” at all structures.
7B.01h Temporary Seeding. Temporary seeding is the use of rapid growing annual grasses, small grains, or legumes to provide initial, temporary ground cover for erosion control on disturbed areas for less than 12 months. Seed bed preparations and soil amendments shall be in accordance with the method described under "Seeding and Mulching".
7B.01i Seeding and Mulching. Seeding and mulching shall be applied immediately following the completion of any phase of grading. All disturbed areas shall be dressed to a depth of five (5) inches. The top two (2) inches shall be pulverized to provide a uniform seedbed. Agricultural lime shall be applied at the rate of 95 lbs./1000 sq. ft. immediately before seed bed preparation. Grass seed shall be applied at the rates outlined in “Table 7-1: Seeding and Mulching”. 5-10-10 fertilizer shall be applied to all disturbed areas at a rate of 21 lbs./1000 sq. ft. Mulching shall consist of small grain straw applied at a rate of 70 lbs./1000 sq. ft. Mulched areas shall be tacked with an approved method sufficient to hold the straw in place. Refer to Chapter 3 of the North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Erosion and Sedimentation Control Planning and Design Manual for more details concerning seeding and mulching procedures. If active construction ceases in any area for more than 14 days, ground cover is required to all disturbed as described in “Appendix C: Ground Cover”.
Seeding Area, Dates & Types | ||||
Area Type | Seeding Dates & Types | |||
August 1 - June 1 | May 1 - September 1 | |||
lbs/acre | Seed Type & Fertilizer | lbs/acre | Seed Type & Fertilizer |
Seeding Area, Dates & Types | ||||
Area Type | Seeding Dates & Types | |||
August 1 - June 1 | May 1 - September 1 | |||
lbs/acre | Seed Type & Fertilizer | lbs/acre | Seed Type & Fertilizer | |
Shoulders and Median | 20 | Kentucky Blue Grass | 20 | Kentucky Blue Grass |
75 | Hard Fescue | 75 | Hard Fescue | |
25 | Rye Grain | 10 | German or Blowtop Millet | |
500 | Fertilizer | 500 | Fertilizer | |
4000 | Limestone | 4000 | Limestone | |
Areas Beyond the Mowing Pattern, Waste, and Borrow Areas | 100 | Tall Fescue | 100 | Tall Fescue |
15 | Kentucky Blue Grass | 15 | Kentucky Blue Grass | |
30 | Hard Fescue | 30 | Hard Fescue | |
25 | Rye Grain | 10 | German or Blowtop Millet | |
500 | Fertilizer | 500 | Fertilizer | |
4000 | Limestone | 4000 | Limestone | |
Table 7-1: Seeding and Mulching“ continued on next page. | ||||
Table 7-1: Seeding and Mulching (continued)
Approved Cultivars | |||||
Cultivar Type | Cultivar Names | ||||
Tall Fescue | 2nd Millennium Avenger Barlexas Barlexas II Barrera Barrington Biltmore Bingo Bravo Cayenne Chapel Hill Chesapeake Constitution Chipper Coronado | Coyote Davinci Dynasty Dominion Duster Endeavor Escalade Falcon II, III, IV & V Fidelity Finesse II Firebird Focus Grande II Greenkeeper Greystone | Inferno Justice Jaguar 3 Kalahari Kentucky 31 Kitty Hawk Kitty Hawk 2000 Lexington Magellan Masterpiece Matador Matador GT Millennium Montauk Mustang 3 | Olympic Gold Padre Paraiso Picasso Piedmont Pure Gold Prospect Quest Rebel Exeda Rebel Sentry Regiment II Rembrandt Rendition Scorpion Shelby | Signia Silverstar Southern Choice II Stetson Tarheel Titan Ltd Titanium Tomahawk Tacer Trooper Turbo Ultimate Watchdog Wolfpack |
Kentucky Bluegrass | Alpine Apollo Arcadia Arrow | Award Bariris Bedazzled Bordeaux | Champagne Chicago II Envicta Impact | Midnight Midnight II Rugby Rugby II | Showcase Sonoma |
Hard Fescue | Chariot Firefly Heron | Kenblue Minotaur Nordic | Oxford Reliant II Reliant IV | Rhino Scaldis II Spartan II | Stonehenge Warwick |
On cut and fill slopes greater than 2:1 erosion control matting shall be installed. Fertilizer shall be 10-20-20 analysis. A different analysis of fertilizer may be used provided the 1-2-2 ratio is maintained and the rate of application adjusted to provide the same amount of plant food as a 10-20-20 analysis and as directed. | |||||
Note: Consult Soil Conservation Service for additional information concerning other alternatives for vegetation of denuded areas. The above vegetation rates are those which do well under local conditions. Temporary Seeding: Fertilizer shall be the same analysis as specified for Seeding and Mulching and applied at the rate of 400 pounds and seeded at the rate of 50 pounds per acre. German Millet or Browntop Millet shall be used in summer months and rye grain during the remainder of the year. The Engineer will determine the exact dates for using each kind of seed. Fertilizer Topdressing: Fertilizer used for topdressing shall be 16-8-8 grade and shall be applied at the rate of 500 pounds per acre. A different analysis of fertilizer may be used provided the 2-1-1 ratio is maintained and the rate of application adjusted to provide the same amount of plant food as 16-8-8 analysis and as directed. Supplemental Seeding: The kinds of seed and proportions shall be the same as specified for Seeding and Mulching, and the rate of application may vary from 25 to 75 pounds per acre. The actual rate per acre will be determined prior to the time of topdressing and the Contractor will be notified in writing of the rate per acre, total quantity needed, and areas on which to apply the supplemental seed. Minimum tillage equipment, consisting of a sod seeder shall be used for incorporating seed into the soil as to prevent disturbance of existing vegetation. A clodbuster (ball and chain) may be used where degree of slope prevents the use of a sod seeder. Mowing: The minimum mowing height shall be six inches. |