(a) Purpose. The Manufactured Housing Community Overlay District is established to provide standards for the development of manufactured housing communities in Asheville and its area of jurisdiction. Manufactured housing communities can provide alternative, affordable housing opportunities for residents of the city. Standards are established in this district for the following additional purposes:
(1) To establish requirements designed to assure that the design and construction of the street system, utilities, lot layouts, and other improvements in the manufactured housing community are in harmony with surrounding development; and
(2) To protect property values, preserve the character and integrity of the community or individual neighborhoods within the community, and promote the health, safety, and welfare of area residents through the provision of standards for infrastructure and open space.
(b) Permitted uses. In addition to the uses permitted in the underlying zoning district, manufactured housing communities meeting the standards set forth in this section shall be permitted in this overlay district. Single manufactured homes are permitted on individual lots provided they comply with standards set forth in section 7-9-4(c) of this chapter.
(c) Design standards.
(1) General requirements.
a. No manufactured housing community shall be approved for a site less than three contiguous acres under single ownership or control.
b. Maximum allowable density in the manufactured housing community shall be seven dwelling units per buildable acre (land area excluding floodways, wetlands, and slopes in excess of 33 percent).
c. A manufactured housing community shall comply with the provisions for subdivision and multi- family development signs in Article XIII of this chapter.
d. A manufactured housing community may have a manufactured home as a designated office for the operator/manager.
e. There shall be no more than one manufactured home or mobile home per manufactured home space.
f. Each manufactured home shall be set up and installed in accordance with the State of North Carolina regulations for installation of manufactured homes adopted and published by the North Carolina Department of Insurance.
g. The operator/manager of a manufactured housing community shall designate and enforce an uniform type of underpinning of all manufactured homes in the community.
(2) Manufactured home space requirements.
a. Each manufactured home space shall have a minimum width of 50 feet and shall be open and unobstructed.
b. Minimum lot size for a manufactured home space shall be 5,000 square feet.
c. Each manufactured home shall be located at least 20 feet from any other manufactured home or structure within the community, excluding storage buildings for use with the individual home. Each home shall be at least 35 feet from any property line. If the property abuts a public street, the setback shall be 40 feet. Each home shall be setback at least 20 feet from streets within the community.
d. A manufactured home shall not occupy an area in excess of one-third of the area of its respective space. The total occupied area of the manufactured home and its accessory buildings shall not exceed one-half of the total area of the space.
e. Each manufactured home space shall have a permanent site number sign that is clearly visible from the street running in front of the home and located on the power panel box serving the home.
f. There shall be front and rear steps for each manufactured home. If the residents elect to have decks, the home shall be required to have steps until the decks are completed. These decks shall comply with the North Carolina State Building Code. The deck area shall be not less than 16 square feet in area, and not less than four feet in width.
(3) Open spaces.
a. A minimum of ten percent of the total area of the manufactured housing community shall be designated as common open space. This open space may include active or passive recreation facilities to cater to the occupants of the community. Such open spaces shall be centrally located and accessible to all manufactured homes within the community by means of sidewalks and walkways.
b. The following areas shall not be included as open space:
1. Area within the required individual manufactured home space;
2. Parking areas;
3. Area used for landscaping along streets or at the perimeter of the property of the manufactured housing community; and
4. Not more than 50 percent of the area required for setbacks shall be designated as open space.
c. Open spaces shall be maintained in accordance with the standards set forth in subsection 7-9-5(c)(8) of this chapter.
(4) Off-street parking.
a. A minimum of two parking spaces shall be provided for each manufactured home.
b. A minimum of one parking space for every five manufactured homes shall be provided for visitor parking purposes.
c. Handicapped parking shall be provided as required by the North Carolina Accessibility Code.
d. Parking spaces shall be constructed with a minimum of three inches of compacted gravel, stone, or hard surface materials, bordered by landscaping timbers, brick, block, or other material which defines the edge of the parking area/driveway.
(5) Street and walkways.
a. All streets within the manufactured housing community shall have a right-of-way width of 30 feet with a pavement width of at least 20 feet, not including parking spaces.
b. Streets within the manufactured housing community shall be constructed to provide all weather access to all manufactured home areas. Streets shall be constructed with a minimum of six inches of compacted stone base and one and one-half inches of I-2 asphalt.
c. The grade of streets within the community shall not exceed 15 percent.
d. The street layout shall be designed to provide for the continuous flow of traffic with cul-de-sacs permitted. Cul-de-sac streets shall have a maximum length of 1,000 feet and shall include a cul- de-sac bulb of 45 feet radius. All dead-end streets shall have a turn-around area with a minimum 45-foot radius.
e. Traffic control signs (stop, yield, and speed signs) shall be placed throughout the community where necessary as determined by the director of public works.
f. Each street shall have a permanent sign installed with a designated name identifying each street. The sign shall be approved by the director of public works.
g. Streets and parking areas shall be maintained by the operator/manager of the community.
h. Each space within the community shall have direct access to a local community street. The driveway shall be an unobstructed area, not less than ten feet in width and shall be constructed with a minimum of three inches of compacted gravel, stone, or hard surface materials. It shall be well-drained and shall meet the standards of residential driveways as set forth in the City of Asheville Standard Specifications and Details Manual. If constructed of gravel or stone, the driveway shall be bordered with materials which define the edge of the driveway.
i. The community shall abut a public street, with a minimum street frontage of 50 feet.
j. Street lighting shall be provided throughout the community.
k. Permanent, well-drained walks not less than four feet in width shall be provided from each manufactured home space to the community buildings and to public street or community streets.
(6) Utilities.
a. An adequate, safe potable supply of water shall be provided for the community. The source of the water supply shall be either through a municipal or public water system, with the community connecting to the public water system within the city limits. When such a system is not available in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city, the community must be serviced by a water supply approved by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management or the Buncombe County Health Department.
b. An adequate and safe sewage disposal system shall be provided in the manufactured home community. If the park is located within the city limits, it must be connected to the sewer system of the Metropolitan Sewerage District of Buncombe County. In the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city, the collection systems, sewage treatment facilities or individual septic tank systems shall be approved by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management or the Buncombe County Health Department.
c. Plans for utilities shall be approved by the appropriate regulatory agencies.
d. There shall be a storage and disposable system for solid waste for the community in order to alleviate health and pollution hazards. The residents of each home shall have a sufficient number of containers that have adequate capacity and can be tightly sealed. It shall be the responsibility of the operator/manager of the community to see that a municipal or private solid waste disposable service is provided to the residents of the community on a weekly basis. This may or may not be at the expense of the residents.
e. Each manufactured home space shall have proper drainage to prevent accumulation of water. Storm drainage facilities shall include suitable on-site detention facilities when deemed appropriate by the director of public works and/or the city engineer. Such facilities shall be sufficient to transport safely through the community all volumes of water generated upstream and on-site. Storm drainage shall be provided in accordance with the stormwater management regulations set forth in article XII of this chapter and all other applicable laws and regulations of the City of Asheville and other governmental agencies.
(7) Landscape and buffering.
b. Street trees shall be provided along internal streets within the community at the ratio established by section 7-11-3 of this chapter for street trees along public streets.
c. Trees shall be provided along the lot lines of manufactured home spaces parallel to internal streets at the ratio of one tree per 40 feet of lot line.
d. Material and equipment storage buildings, outdoor storage areas, refuse collectors, and dumpsters shall be screened from view from adjoining properties, streets, and open spaces.
(8) Grounds and buildings.
a. The grounds of a manufactured home community shall be maintained free of debris, trash, and litter.
b. Grounds, buildings, and storage areas within the community shall be maintained to prevent the infestation of rodents, flies, mosquitoes, and other pests.
c. Grounds within the community shall be maintained to prevent the growth of ragweed, poison ivy, poison oak, and other weeds.
d. All grounds within the community shall have proper drainage to prevent the accumulation of water.
e. All recreational areas provided by the owner of the manufactured home community shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary manner by the operator/manager.
f. The operator/manager of the community shall provide space on the grounds for mail service to the residents of the community.
(d) Inspection. Employees of the City of Asheville shall have the right to make inspections of the community to determine that the requirements of this section are met. These inspections shall be conducted at least once a year. It shall be the responsibility of the operator/manager of the manufactured home community to see that the requirements of the section are met. The operator/manager shall be responsible for correcting any and all violations of this section.
(e) Expansion of existing manufactured housing communities. Manufactured home communities existing at the time of adoption of this section shall not be allowed to expand or increase unless such expansion meets the requirements set forth in this chapter.
(Ord. No. 2369, § 1, 5-27-97; Ord. No. 2428, § 10, 11-11-97; Ord. No. 3210, § 1, 1-25-05; Ord. No. 4208, § 1a, 6-25- 13)