(a) No person shall engage in roller coasting, skate- boarding or roller skating on any sidewalk in a business district.
(b) Violation of this section shall be an infraction and shall be punishable as provided in N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14-4.
(Code 1965, § 28-7.1; Ord. No. 4910, § 2, 11-9-21)
(a) All of the territory within 200 feet of the premises of each hospital in this city is hereby created and established as a zone of quiet. The traffic engineer is hereby authorized to erect and maintain, within this area, such signs and markings as are necessary to designate it as a zone of quiet.
(b) The traffic engineer may temporarily establish a zone of quiet upon any street where a person is seriously ill, if requested to do so by the written statement of at least one registered physician certifying to its necessity. Such temporary zone of quiet shall embrace all territory within a radius of 200 feet of the building occupied by the person named in the request of the physician. Such temporary zones of quiet shall be designated by the traffic engineer by placing, at a conspicuous place in the street, a sign or marker bearing the words "quiet zone."
(c) No person operating a motor vehicle within any designated and signed zone of quiet shall sound the horn or other warning device of such vehicle, except in an emergency, nor shall any person make any loud or unusual noise or play any music within or upon any of the streets, alleys or public places in any such zone of quiet. Violation of this provision shall be an infraction and shall be punishable as provided in N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14-4.
(Code 1965, § 28-9; Ord. No. 4910, § 2, 11-9-21)
Cross reference(s)—Excessive noise prohibited, § 10-81.
The provisions of this chapter shall apply to the driver of any vehicle owned or used in the service of the United States government, this state, county or city, and it shall be unlawful for any such driver to violate any of the provisions of this chapter, except as otherwise permitted in this chapter.
(Code 1965, § 28-10)
State law reference(s)—Similar provisions, G.S. 20-168.
The provisions of this chapter regulating the operation, parking and standing of vehicles shall apply to authorized emergency vehicles, except that a driver, when operating any such vehicle in an emergency, may:
(1) Park or stand, notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter.
(2) Proceed past a red or stop signal or stop sign, but only after slowing down as may be necessary for safe operation.
(3) Disregard regulations governing direction or movement or turning in specified directions, so long as he does not endanger life or property.
These exemptions shall not protect the driver of any such vehicle from the consequences of his reckless disregard for the safety of others.
(Code 1965, § 28-11)
Every person propelling any pushcart or riding a bicycle or an animal upon a roadway and every person driving any animal shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter applicable to the driver of any vehicle, except those provisions of this chapter which, by their very nature, can have no application.
(Code 1965, § 28-12)
State law reference(s)—Similar provisions, G.S. 20-171.
Vehicles of the city police department and any private vehicles used by police department personnel and approved by the traffic engineer that are subject to emergency travel shall be equipped with blue emergency signal lights. No other privately owned emergency vehicle authorized under this chapter shall be equipped with or use blue emergency signal lights.
(Code 1965, § 28-13)
(a) The driver of a vehicle involved in a collision resulting in injury to or death of any person or total property damage to an apparent extent of $500.00 or more shall immediately, by the quickest means of communication, give notice of the collision to the police department, if the collision occurs within the city.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the driver of any motor vehicle which collides with another motor vehicle left parked or unattended on any street or highway in the city shall immediately report the collision to the owner of such parked or unattended motor vehicle. Such report shall include the time, date and place of the collision and the driver's name, address, operator's or chauffeur's license number and the registration number of the vehicle being operated by the driver at the time of the collision. Such report may be oral or in writing. If the driver is, for any reason, unable to make the report required by this subsection, such driver shall make and file a report of the collision in the same manner and subject to the same requirements as in the case of a collision as provided in subsection (a) of this section. Any report made pursuant to this subsection shall be competent in any civil action for the sole purpose of establishing the identity of the person operating the moving vehicle at the time of colliding with the parked or unattended vehicle.
(c) The police department may require the driver of a vehicle involved in a collision which is required to be reported by this section to file a supplemental report when the original report is insufficient, in the opinion of the department, and the department may require witnesses of a collision to render reports.
(d) Violation of this section shall be an infraction and shall be punishable as provided in N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14-4.
(Code 1965, § 28-14; Ord. No. 4910, § 2, 11-9-21)
State law reference(s)—Similar provisions, G.S. 20-166.1.