(A) Closed conduits. The minimum widths of drainage easements for closed conduits shall be 10 feet. For conduits having a diameter or width greater than six feet, the minimum widths of drainage easements shall be equal to the diameter or width of the conduit, plus four feet.
(B) Open channels.
(1) The width of drainage easements for natural channels, excavated earth channels, and channels lined with concrete shall contain the full width of the channel and the required adjacent access strips.
(2) (a) For earth channels within the subdivision, access easements shall be provided along the banks as follows:
Channel Top Width (ft.) | Access Easements Minimum Width (ft.) |
15* |
18* |
80 and above
21* |
* Each side if within the subdivision.
(b) The minimum radius of the center line of access roads shall be 40 feet. Where trees in place are to remain, adequate additional easement width shall be dedicated for vehicular access.
(3) Lined channels shall have a minimum easement width of 10 feet with strips three feet wide provided along both sides of the channel.
(C) Levees and ponding areas. All levees and all ponding areas shall be completely contained within drainage easements.
('66 Code, § 9-4.627) (Ord. 275-C-S, passed 3-11-75) Penalty, see § 9-4.903
Subdrain facilities shall be provided when required by the City Engineer in areas where evidence indicates the presence of subsurface waters and shall be required at the expense of the subdivider at any time during construction.
('66 Code, § 9-4.628) (Ord. 275-C-S, passed 3-11-75) Penalty, see § 9-4.903
The subdivider shall arrange for the installation of fire hydrants of the type and at the locations designated by the local fire district as approved by the City Engineer, and the subdivider shall pay all costs in connection therewith.
('66 Code, § 9-4.629) (Ord. 275-C-S, passed 3-11-75)
(A) Curb openings for driveways may be shown in their proposed location on the improvement plans and shall be constructed in accordance with standard details approved by the City Engineer.
(B) The maximum widths of curb openings for residential driveways shall be 14 feet for a single driveway and 21 feet for a double driveway. Curb openings shall be measured from top of ramp to top of ramp.
(C) No driveway depression shall be located within five feet of the curb at street intersections.
(D) No driveway depression shall be located within five feet of a fire hydrant.
(E) When on-site improvements or other circumstances require moving the driveway location, the curb, gutter, sidewalk, or other facility affected shall be reconstructed to meet respective standards.
(F) Exceptions.
(1) Wider driveways may be permitted upon the approval of the City Engineer and Chief of Police provided the applicant can show the following:
(a) That approval will not create a parking problem;
(b) That approval will not create a traffic problem; and
(c) That the nature of the use of the property is such as to absolutely require a wider driveway.
(2) All requests for exceptions shall be in writing.
('66 Code, § 9-4.630) (Ord. 275-C-S, passed 3-11-75; Am. Ord. 369-C-S, passed 7-27-78) Penalty, see § 9-4.903
(A) Fences shall be constructed by the subdivider along all property lines where a condition hazardous to persons or property may exist.
(B) Fences shall be constructed in accordance with details approved by the City Engineer.
('66 Code, § 9-4.631) (Ord. 275-C-S, passed 3-11-75) Penalty, see § 9-4.903
(A) Subdivision frontage on an existing county road shall be improved by the subdivider to standards compatible with those required within the subdivision and the Circulation Element of the General Plan or, pending such adoption, upon the preliminary plans of the Commission and, in all cases, shall be in general conformity with such plans as may be made by the Commission for the most advantageous development of the area. The subdivider shall not be required to provide improvements beyond those specified for collector streets.
(B) Existing drainage facilities which will become inadequate because of the subdivision development shall be improved by the subdivider to the standards set forth in this article.
(C) The improvement, relocation, replacement, or other alteration of existing facilities, including public utilities, to accommodate the subdivision shall be at the sole expense of the subdivider.
(D) The Council may make provisions for assessing and collecting fees as a condition of the approval of a final map or as a condition of issuing a building permit for the purpose of defraying the actual or estimated costs of constructing bridges or major thoroughfares pursuant to the provisions of Cal. Gov't Code § 664848.
('66 Code, § 9-4.632) (Ord. 275-C-S, passed 3-11-75) Penalty, see § 9-4.903
(A) All utility facilities (including, but not limited to, electric, communication, and cable television lines) which are located on-site or adjacent to the subdivision shall be placed underground or be converted to an underground system, except as follows:
(1) Equipment appurtenant to underground facilities, such as surface-mounted transformers, pedestal-mounted terminal boxes, and meter cabinets;
(2) Metal poles supporting only street lights;
(3) Transmission facilities from which the subdivision will receive no service. Facilities carrying 60,000 kilovolts or more shall be presumed to be transmission facilities; and
(4) If the City Engineer concludes that surrounding comparable properties have aboveground utility facilities.
(B) The subdivider shall be responsible for compliance with the provisions of this section, shall make the necessary arrangements with the utility companies, and shall show the locations of proposed electroliers on the improvement plans to be submitted to the City Engineer prior to the acceptance and approval of the final subdivision map.
('66 Code, § 9-4.633) (Ord. 275-C-S, passed 3-11-75; Am. Ord. 619-C-S, passed 1-9-86) Penalty, see § 9-4.903