The Commission shall consider the tentative map at a duly noticed public hearing within 50 days, unless such time is extended by the mutual consent of the subdivider and the Commission, and the Commission shall make a written report with recom-mendations to the Council concerning the approval, conditional approval, or disapproval of the map, or any other conditions precedent thereto, and such improvements as may be required. Any application for exceptions, as provided for in § 9-4.311 of this article, shall accompany the tentative map, and the recommendations of the Commission on the tentative map shall include the recommendations on any exception requested. Following the adoption of the recommendations on the tentative map, the map and recommendations shall be transmitted to the Council for action.
('66 Code, § 9-4.312) (Ord. 275-C-S, passed 3-11-75; Am. Ord. 439-C-S, passed 2-21-80)
Following the receipt of the tentative map and the recommendations of the Commission, the Council shall consider the tentative map and the recommenda-tions thereon, and shall, within 30 days, by resolution, approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the tentative map, and shall report such action in writing to the subdivider, the City Engineer, and such agencies as may request to be notified. In connection with the action to approve or conditionally approve the tentative map, the Council may grant all or any part of such exceptions as may have been requested by the subdivider as provided for in § 9-4.311 of this article. By mutual consent of the subdivider and the Council, the period of considera-tion of the tentative map by the Council may be extended.
('66 Code, § 9-4.313)(Ord. 275-C-S, passed 3-11-75)
An approved or conditionally approved tentative map shall expire 24 months after its approval or conditional approval. Upon an application of the subdivider filed prior to the expiration of the tentative map, and following the recommendation of the Commission, the time at which the map expires may be extended by the Council for a period of one additional year.
('66 Code, § 9-4.314)(Ord. 519-C-S, passed 4-22-82)
Sections 9-4.315 through 9-4.325 of this article are enacted pursuant to the authority granted by Cal. Gov't Code Ch. 4.5 (commencing with § 66498.1) of Division 2 of Title 7 (referred to in this article as the Vesting Tentative Map Statute) and may be cited as the “Vesting Tentative Map Law.”
('66 Code, § 9-4.315) (Ord. 618-C-S, passed 11-26-85)
(A) It is the purpose of §§ 9-4.315 through 9-4.325 of this article to establish procedures necessary for the implementation of the Vesting Tentative Map Statute and to supplement the pro-visions of the Subdivision Map Act and the provisions of this chapter. Except as otherwise set forth in said §§ 9-4.315 through 9-4.325, the provisions of this chapter shall apply to the Vesting Tentative Map Law.
('66 Code, § 9-4.316) (Ord. 618-C-S, passed 11-26-85)
No land shall be subdivided and developed pursuant to a vesting tentative map for any purpose which is inconsistent with the General Plan and any applicable Specific Plan or not permitted by the zoning provisions or other applicable provisions of this code in effect at the time of the approval of the vesting tentative map.
('66 Code, § 9-4.317) (Ord. 618-C-S, passed 11-26-85)
(A) For the purposes of §§ 9-4.315 through 9-4.325 of this article, a
VESTING TENTATIVE MAP shall mean a “tentative map” for a residential subdivision, as defined in § 9-4.240 of Article 2 of this chapter, which map shall have printed conspicuously on its face the words “Vesting Tentative Map” at the time it is filed in accordance with § 9-4.320 of this article and is thereafter processed in accordance with the provisions of this article.
(B) All other definitions set forth in Article 2 of this chapter shall be applicable.
('66 Code, § 9-4.318) (Ord. 618-C-S, passed 11-26-85)