(A) It shall be unlawful to commit any of the acts set forth in Articles 2, 3, 4 and 5 of this chapter.
(B) Any person convicted of a violation of this code for which no other penalty is set forth shall be subject to the penalty provisions set forth in § 1-1-99 of this code of ordinances, unless a different specific penalty is provided.
(E) Any money seized as a result of a violation of § 12-4-12 shall be retained by the Mayor until such property is disposed of by order of the Court, which may include forfeiture of any such money to the city.
(F) Any fireworks, gambling devices, or other equipment of any kind used in gambling and any money seized in connection with any gambling or gambling equipment shall be retained by the Mayor until such property is disposed of by order of the Court, which may include forfeiture of any such equipment to the city.
(G) The court may sentence any corporation, club, organization or unincorporated association which has been convicted of a violation of this code to pay a fine authorized by said code.
('74 Code, § 12-1-1-5) (Ord. 96-1973; Am. Ord. 78-1978; Am. Ord. 32-1981; Am. Ord. 5-1992; Am. Ord. 2018-005)
(H) A person who violates a provision of § 12-5-5 is guilty of a separate offense for each day or part of a day during which the violation is committed, continued or permitted. Each offense, upon conviction, is punishable by a fine of not more than $500, or by imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. (Ord. 24-1994; Am. Ord. 1-1995)