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Albuquerque Overview
Albuquerque Code of Ordinances
Charter of the City of Albuquerque
Administrative Instructions
Albuquerque Table of Resolutions
Albuquerque Code of Resolutions
Integrated Development Code
Personnel Rules and Regulations
§ 10-4-5-1 PURPOSE.
   A public museum of the city is established for the purpose of disseminating knowledge and appreciation of art, sport and history of hot air ballooning and lighter than air flight, by establishing and maintaining a museum and related facilities in the City of Albuquerque; by collecting and preserving objects of cultural and historic interest; by aiding in protecting historic and contemporary ballooning related objects from needless destruction; by providing facilities for research and publication; by offering instruction and opportunities for enjoyment to the public; and by encouraging continued excellence of the cultural life of the community.
   An Anderson/Abruzzo Albuquerque International Balloon Museum Board of Trustees is established. The Board of Trustees shall have the following powers and duties:
   (A)   To refine the mission, purpose and goals of the Anderson-Abruzzo Albuquerque International Balloon Museum, hereafter “the Museum”, and set the policies pursuant to which these shall be accomplished, where policies are defined to mean broad operational guidelines, within which programmatic and administrative decisions may be made and implemented in accordance with accepted city administrative procedures;
   (B)   To review and recommend the budget proposal to be submitted to the Mayor;
   (C)   To review and recommend an annual fee schedule for renting the facilities in the Museum;
   (D)   To review and recommend the Museum's programming as recommended by the Museum Manager;
   (E)   To review and recommend guidelines and procedures for selecting the resident tenants and concessionaires of the Museum and for allocating the facilities of the Museum to all other potential users;
   (F)   To review, recommend and acknowledge the form of recognition in the Museum for donors to the Museum Endowment;
   (G)   To review and recommend design and construction projects for the Museum; and
   (H)   To prepare and submit an annual report of its activities to the Mayor and the City Council.
('74 Code, § 11-22-1A) (Ord. 5- 1990; Am. Ord. 55-1993; Am. Ord. 2013-015; Am. Ord. 2020-039)
   (A)   The Anderson/Abruzzo Albuquerque International Balloon Museum Board of Trustees shall consist of 12 appointed members, one assigned member, and two ex-officio members. There shall be one member of the Board appointed from each City Council District; three members appointed by the Mayor, who serve at large; one assigned member from the recognized support organization of the Anderson Abruzzo International Albuquerque Museum Foundation; one ex-officio designee representing the Maxie Anderson family to be recommended by the descendants of Maxie Anderson and appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council; and one ex-officio designee representing the Ben Abruzzo family to be recommended by the descendants of Ben Abruzzo.
   (B)   When an appointed vacancy on the Board occurs, the Councilor representing the District in which the vacating member of the Board resides shall nominate two members to the Board who reside in his or her respective Council District and the Mayor shall appoint one of these recommended members; provided, however, if a member is eligible for reappointment to the Board and the Councilor in whose District that member resides desires to reappoint the member, the Councilor shall so notify the Council and the member shall be reappointed subject to the advice and consent of the Council. If a member is not being reappointed, the Mayor shall deliver to the Council the Mayor's recommendation from the two names submitted within 30 days of delivery of the two names to the Mayor. If the Mayor fails to timely make a recommendation from the two names submitted, the Councilor may appoint one of the two recommended members subject to the advice and consent of the Council. The Mayor may notify a Councilor in writing that his or her District member's term has expired or the position is otherwise vacant and the Councilor shall have 60 days to submit two recommended appointments to fill that position. If the Councilor fails to submit two names within 60 days of notification, the Mayor shall have the right to make the appointment subject to the advice and consent of the City Council. The Mayor shall appoint the three at large members to the Board with the advice and consent of the Council. The term of each appointed member shall be three years. The terms of the members shall be staggered so that three members are eligible for reappointment or replacement each year.
   (C)   Except as provided in this article, the qualifications, appointment and conduct of the members of the Board and any of its subcommittees and the organizational structure of the Board and its subcommittees shall be governed by §§ 2-6-1-1 et seq., the Public Boards, Commissions and Committees Ordinance.
   (D)   The Board shall establish and adopt bylaws as may be necessary to conduct elections, provide notice of meetings and otherwise govern its proceedings.
   (E)   Members of the Board shall be broadly representative of all fields of the art, sport and history of hot air ballooning and lighter than air flight. They shall include persons who are widely known for their professional competence and experience in the aforementioned fields and knowledgeable lay persons.
   (F)   Appointed members of the Board may not serve on the board of directors for any recognized organization supporting the Anderson/Abruzzo Albuquerque International Balloon Museum except for the positions assigned by title described in section (A) of this provision. Each assigned member shall serve on the Board until the term expires with the respective organization.
   (G)   Conflict of interest. This division (G) supplements § 2-6-1-4. A Board or a subcommittee member having a financial interest in the outcome of any policy, decision, or determination before the Board or subcommittee on which he or she serves shall, as soon as possible after such interest becomes apparent, disclose to each of the other members voting on the matter the nature of his or her financial interest in the issue, and shall be disqualified from participating in any debate, decision or vote relating thereto.
   The Chief Administrative Officer shall provide adequate staffing and administrative support for enabling the Board and any of its subcommittees to carry out their duties.
   10-5-1   Purpose
   10-5-2   Definitions
   10-5-3   Albuquerque arts board
   10-5-4   Powers and duties
   10-5-5   Funds for the acquisition of art for municipal property
   10-5-6   General requirements for art selection
   10-5-7   Administrative responsibilities
   10-5-8   Applicability
§ 10-5-1 PURPOSE.
   The intent of this article is to promote and encourage private and public programs to further the development and public awareness of, and interest in, the visual arts and fine crafts to increase employment opportunities in the arts, and to encourage the integration of art into the architecture of municipal structures. Except as specifically provided for herein, this article does not intend to establish any policies or procedures relative to the Museum of Albuquerque.
('74 Code, § 11-14-1) (Ord. 89-1978; Am. Ord. 24-1992)