(A) Any departments pursuing projects that alter or otherwise affect streets shall work collaboratively on an annual basis to determine, identify and include prioritization of projects in communities with low- to-moderate income, high proportions of elderly citizens, high proportions of citizens with disabilities. The low-to-moderate income community criteria is one of the many factors that shall be taken into consideration when identifying and selecting project prioritization under this ordinance and shall not be the sole determinant. Other factors or criteria that shall be taken into consideration include traffic fatalities, aging infrastructure, creating safe and efficient access for older adults and people with disabilities, and any other factors that enhance and improve public safety and health. The city shall develop a process of data collection and analysis for such prioritization and documentation. After such analysis, the city shall post the plan online for public feedback, including information regarding projects that alter or otherwise affect streets. This information shall include project scope, schedule, funding, and an identifier for how those projects in low-to-moderate income areas are prioritized. The report shall include how the process to create the list was evaluated.
(B) All major projects involving streets under the authority of this ordinance, including road construction, resurfacing, reconstruction of sidewalks or restriping, shall be considered an opportunity to either retrofit existing streets or construct new streets consistent with the principles of this ordinance.
(C) The Department of Municipal Development shall annually submit a memorandum to the City Council listing upcoming projects, to include scheduled Street Maintenance Program projects such as resurfacing and other projects including reconstruction, curb, gutter and sidewalk repair or capital improvement projects. This memorandum shall detail how those projects will be consistent with the principles of this ordinance and shall indicate:
(1) The location, scope and estimated cost of the project.
(2) Whether the project is to be implemented under the street maintenance program or by the Engineering Division.
(3) How the project incorporates any existing policies for street improvements established by corridor, neighborhood, or area land use plans, or the reasons for which implementing such recommendations is not reasonable.
(4) How the project complies with the context- sensitive standards in the Development Process Manual.
(5) All complete streets improvements recommended by the Department of Municipal Development for inclusion as part of the project.
(6) Whether and when the improvements can be implemented through the existing revenues available for maintenance projects or Capital Improvement Program.
(7) Other potential funding sources that may be required.
(D) Projects may be exempted in part from the requirements of this ordinance upon review by the Director of Municipal Development or his or her designee, provided they meet one or more of the following criteria:
(1) Existing adopted ordinances and policies affecting the street preclude a certain use (e.g. non-motorized vehicles).
(2) The project is a routine maintenance activity that does not involve resurfacing, restriping or reconfiguring the street. Examples of exempt projects include patching, sidewalk repair or cleaning.
(3) The project is limited by available publicly owned right-of-way.
(4) The project is located on state or federal right-of-way, the city has made an effort to obtain permission for certain features compliant with the provisions of §§ 6-5-6-1 et seq., and the agency with control of the right of way has indicated they will not permit requested features.
(E) All proposed exceptions must be justified in writing by the requestor of the exception based on the criteria above, based upon engineering judgement, and be made available to the public. The City Council may, by resolution, designate certain corridors or street segments for complete streets improvements. The resolution shall:
(1) Establish the transportation modes to be prioritized or accommodated on the affected corridor.
(2) Provide an estimate of costs to plan, design, engineer and construct the improvements; and funding sources for the project.
(F) Design and engineering of streets, sidewalks, bikeways and other facilities shall follow the relevant standards set forth in the following documents or any successor documents or standards that may result from their amendment or replacement:
(1) Urban Street Design Guide of the National Association of City Traffic Officials (NACTO).
(2) Urban Bikeway Design Guide of the National Association of City Traffic Officials (NACTO).
(3) Guide for the Planning Design and Operation of Pedestrian Facilities by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO).
(4) Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO).
(5) Manual for Context Sensitive Solutions in Designing Major Urban Thoroughfares for Walkable Communities published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE).
(6) Report 616, Multi-Modal Level of Service Analysis for Urban Streets, National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP).
(7) Proposed Rights-of-Way Guidelines (PROWAG) United States Access Board.
(G) Engineering criteria. Deviations or alternatives from the Development Process Manual for intersection spacing, geometry, alignment and other characteristics shall be considered on a case-by-case basis, and as approved may be implemented provided they meet the standards set forth in the documents specified in § 6-5-6-7(F) or any successor documents or standards that may result from their amendment or replacement.