The Mayor shall periodically adopt rules which set the fee for barricading, road usage, excavation administration, and inspection. In setting fees the Mayor shall publish notice of his proposed action and give interested persons an opportunity to comment prior to action. The Mayor shall provide the revised fee schedule to the Council through an Executive Communication. All excavation, barricade, and road usage fees collected shall be made to an Excavation and Barricade Capital Fund to be used to fund the operations of the permit issuance and inspection staff. Excess funds collected shall be used to better inform motorists of construction projects and to reduce traffic congestion caused by construction projects.
(Ord. 13-2005)
(A) The applicant is required to correct incomplete or defective materials and workmanship performed under each permit for a period of one year from the date the work under such permit is completed and accepted by the city.
(B) During the restoration period following acceptance by the city of a street or a portion of a street which has been newly constructed, has received major reconstruction, has received major rehabitation, or has received preventive maintenance, excavation permits other than those for emergency work will not normally be issued for that street or section of street. Lines may be placed by boring, jacking, or tunneling so long as major cuts in the streets are not required and provided the permits and prior approval of the Mayor are obtained as required in § 6-5-2-4. When work, other than emergencies, is absolutely necessary and a surface excavation is required in such streets, including any such excavation made prior to acceptance of the street for maintenance by the city, a payment shall be made to a Street Surface Restoration Capital Fund prior to issuance of an excavation permit in an amount computed according to regulations promulgated herein. Such payment shall be made regardless of the funding source of the original pavement. The Mayor shall promulgate regulations governing the amount of any restoration fees, the duration of the restoration period for various street conditions and the conditions under which a waiver of the payment of restoration fees is appropriate.
(Ord. 13-2005)
(A) The applicant must take appropriate measures to maintain safe traffic conditions as near normal as practicable at all times so as to cause as little inconvenience as possible to the occupants of the abutting property and to the public. However, safety considerations shall be paramount to public inconvenience.
(B) The Mayor at his sole discretion may require that any applicant notify various public agencies and the public of proposed work in writing prior to issuance of a permit. The Mayor may at his sole discretion require the applicant to work specific time periods, including nights and weekends, to enhance safety and/or minimize the inconvenience to the public.
(C) Traffic control devices must be placed near the permitted work area(s) to give adequate warning to vehicular and pedestrian traffic all in accordance with Part VI of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), the City of Albuquerque Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, the Traffic Code of this code of ordinances, and such regulations as may be adopted by the Mayor.
(D) Non-compliance with any written or verbal notifications of violations of this section will result in immediate permit revocation, including retention of all permit fees paid.
(Ord. 13-2005)
Work under the provisions of §§ 6-5-2-1 et seq. must be performed and conducted so as not to interfere with access to fire hydrants, fire stations, fire escapes, and all other vital structures or equipment designated by the Mayor.
(Ord. 13-2005)
(A) The applicant must maintain safe and adequate passage of vehicle and pedestrian traffic on all streets and at all street intersections as required by the Mayor and in conformance with § 6-5-2-9(C). No more than 30 minutes following completion of the work or planned event, the applicant shall open all closed roads to traffic, and shall remove all barricades and traffic control devices.
(B) Two days following receipt of written notification to the applicant, that the city considers on site traffic control devices abandoned, the city may confiscate and dispose of all remaining traffic control devices.
(C) Traffic markings removed as a part of the excavation shall be replaced by the applicant with materials similar to those originally in place and in a manner satisfactory to the Traffic Engineer. If the applicant fails following 24 hour written notification to replace the removed traffic markings, the Mayor may cause to have such work done, and the cost thereof charged to the applicant.
(Ord. 13-2005)