(A) There is hereby delegated to the Board the following power and authority:
(1) Study. The Board shall study means of protecting and improving ground water quality.
(2) Advisory Functions. The Board shall advise the Mayor and the City Council, the Authority, the County Commission, the Environmental Planning Commission and the County Planning Commission, and City, Authority, and County staff on protection of the surface and ground water, including recommended policies on surface and ground water protection measures; ordinances appropriate for effecting such policies, based on GPPAP; the adequacy of surface and ground water protection staffing, budgets and progress; and other appropriate matters.
(3) Oversight Functions. The Board shall oversee the implementation of GPPAP; monitor and review City, Authority, and County actions to protect the surface and ground water; foster the continued cooperation of the City, Authority, and County in surface and ground water protection; and promote consistency in City, Authority, and County surface and ground water protection measures.
(4) Public Education and Advocacy. The Board shall engage in public education and advocacy for the effective protection of surface and ground water quality by public officials as well as residents of the City, the Authority service area, the County, and their environs.
(5) Reports. The Board shall report at least annually to the Authority, County Commission and the Mayor and the City Council on its activities, progress made in implementing GPPAP, and any recommendations for additional policies or ordinances to protect surface and ground water quality. At least every five years, the Board shall undertake a comprehensive review and evaluation of the effectiveness of GPPAP and recommend any necessary changes to it.
(6) Other Duties, Responsibilities, and Powers. The Board shall have other duties, responsi- bilities, and powers as may be jointly delegated to it by the City Council, the Authority, and the County Commission.
(7) Comprehensive Surface Water Quality Assessment and Implementation Program. The Board shall work with City, County, and Authority staff in outlining and developing programs for surface water in addition to existing ground water protection programs. The Board shall work with staff in developing a timeline for implementation of the activities including costs, responsibilities and other issues related to surface water protection.
(B) Committees and Work Groups. The Board may form committees to assist the Board with its assigned duties, responsibilities, and powers. Com- mittees shall consist of members of the Board selected by the Board. The Board also may form advisory work groups to carry out specific assignments that will assist the Board in performing its duties and responsibilities. The Board may establish the specific assignments and set guidelines and timetables for the work group in performing its work. At least one Board member, selected by the Board, shall serve on a work group. The Board may invite members of the general public, City, Authority, or County staff, or elected officials to serve on its work groups as it deems appropriate.
(C) Relationship of the Board to the Policy Implementation Committee. The Board may take an advisory position on a matter that is different from the advisory position of the Policy Implementation Commit- tee. The Board, however, shall not convey its advice to another governmental body without also conveying the different position of the Policy Implementation Committee on the same matter.
(Ord. 36-1997; Am. Ord. 39-2006)
The Albuquerque Commission on Immigrant Affairs and Services (ACIAS) will serve an advocacy role for the immigrant communities living within the City of Albuquerque and will act as a liaison between the City and the immigrant communities. The ACIAS will recognize and inform the City on the contributions of immigrant communities. The ACIAS will study and advise the City as to the needs and problems of immigrant communities, including but not limited to those in the areas of housing, human rights, criminal justice/law enforcement, employment, education and healthcare. The ACIAS will make recommendations for the implementation of R-151, Enactment Number 9-2001 and evaluate its impact on Albuquerque's immigrant communities.
(Ord. 25-2001)
The ACIAS shall consist of no fewer than nine and no more than thirteen members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council. A simple majority of the ACIAS shall be immigrants. The Mayor will solicit recommendations for members from immigrant communities and from immigrant service and advocacy agencies and organizations.
(Ord. 25-2001)
The term of office of each member shall be three years. However, the initial board will have three members with one-year terms and three members with two-year terms. The remaining members will have three-year terms. The Mayor shall determine which members are to serve which terms.
(Ord. 25-2001)
Matters concerning organization of the ACIAS shall be as set forth in Article 2-6-1-4 ROA 1994.
(Ord. 25-2001)
(A) In consultation/collaboration with the Department of Family and Community Services, recommend/propose a concrete plan for the creation and implementation of the City's Immigrant Resource Program.
(B) Analyze immigrant access to and use of City services and programs. Identify obstacles to access and recommend changes to overcome said obstacles. Work with immigrant communities to increase awareness of and access to City programs and services.
(C) Recommend objectives for a legislative agenda that encourages Congress to enact just and humane immigration reforms that provide immigrants and their families with rights in this country that are commensurate with human dignity and their status as taxpayers and contributing members of our community, and that the State of New Mexico Legislature revise its laws and policies for health care, education and driver's licenses such that immigrants and their families will have fair access to those services and privileges.
(D) Evaluate policies and practices of City departments for compliance with R-151, Enactment Number 9-2001 and recommend specific changes if needed.
(E) Recognize, document and disseminate contributions made by Albuquerque's immigrant communities.
(Ord. 25-2001)