3.10.010 Adoption of Purchasing System
3.10.020 Purchasing Agent
3.10.030 Purchasing Regulations
3.10.040 Exemptions from Centralized Purchasing
3.10.050 Estimates of Requirements
3.10.060 Requisitions
3.10.070 Purchase Orders
3.10.080 Encumbrance of Funds
3.10.090 Inspection and Testing
3.10.100 Bidding
3.10.110 Formal (Sealed) Bid Procedures
3.10.120 Notice Inviting Formal Bids
3.10.130 Published Notice for Formal Bids
3.10.140 Approved Vendors List
3.10.150 Bulletin Board Notice
3.10.160 Bidder’s Security
3.10.170 Other Formal Bond Requirements
3.10.180 Formal Bid Opening Procedure
3.10.190 Rejection of Formal Bids
3.10.200 Award of Formal Bid Contracts
3.10.210 Tie Formal Bids
3.10.212 Credit for Sales and Use Tax
3.10.215 No Formal Bids
3.10.230 Open Market or Informal Bid Procedure
3.10.240 Minimum Number of Informal Bids
3.10.250 Notice Inviting Informal Bids
3.10.260 Record of Informal Bids
3.10.270 Exceptions to Competitive Bidding Requirement
3.10.280 Regulation Regarding Selection of Contract Services
3.10.290 Surplus Supplies and Equipment
3.10.300 Surplus Supplies - Trade Ins
3.10.310 Surplus Supplies - Sale
3.10.320 Creation of Surplus Property Authority
In order to establish efficient procedures for the purchase of supplies and equipment at the lowest possible cost commensurate with quality needed, to exercise positive financial control over purchases, to clearly define authority for the purchasing function and to assure the quality of purchases, a purchasing system is adopted.
[Ord. No. 461, Section 3, 5/9/07.]
There is created the position of Purchasing Agent, who may also be known as the "Purchasing Officer." He/she shall be appointed by the Finance Director subject to the approval of the City Manager. The Purchasing Agent shall be the head and have general supervision of the purchasing division. The duties of Purchasing Agent may be combined with those of any other office or position. The Purchasing Agent shall have the authority to:
A. Purchase or contract for supplies and equipment required by any using agency in accordance with purchasing procedures prescribed in this Chapter, such administrative regulations as the Purchasing Agent shall adopt for the internal management and operation of the purchasing division and such other rules and regulations as shall be prescribed by the City Council or the City Manager;
B. Negotiate and recommend execution of contracts for the purchase of supplies and equipment;
C. Act to procure for the City the needed quality in supplies and equipment at least expense to the City;
D. Discourage uniform bidding and endeavor to obtain as full and open competition as possible on all purchases;
E. Prepare and recommend to the City Council rules governing the purchase of supplies and equipment for the City;
F. Prepare and recommend revisions and amendments to the purchasing rules;
G. Keep informed of current developments in the field of purchasing, prices, market conditions and new products;
H. Prescribe and maintain such forms as are reasonably necessary for the operation of this Chapter and other rules and regulations;
I. Supervise the inspection of all supplies and equipment purchased to ensure conformance with specifications;
J. Recommend the transfer of surplus or unused supplies and equipment between departments as needed; and
K. Maintain an approved vendors list, vendors catalog file and records needed for the efficient operation of the purchasing division.
[Ord. No. 461, Section 3, 5/9/07.]
The Purchasing Agent shall be responsible for determining that the regulations and procedures in Section 3.10.040 through 3.10.100, and Chapter 3.15 of this Title are carried out.
[Ord. No. 461, Section 3, 5/9/07.]