3.55.010 Findings and Intent
3.55.020 Delegation of Authority and Direction to City Manager
3.55.030 “Costs Reasonably Borne” Defined
3.55.040 Schedule of Fees and Service Charges
3.55.050 Provision of Data
3.55.060 Appeal to City Council
3.55.070 Adopting Fee Schedule for Fire Prevention and Inspection Services; Appointing Fire Marshal
3.55.080 Payment of Prevailing Wages on Certain Public Works Projects
A. Pursuant to Article XIIIB of the California Constitution, it is the intent of the City Council to require the ascertainment and recovery of costs reasonably borne from fees, charges and regulatory license fees levied therefore in providing the regulation, products or services provided by the City.
B. The fees and service charge revenue/cost comparison system set forth in this Chapter provides a mechanism for ensuring that fees adopted by the City for services rendered do not exceed the reasonable estimated cost for providing the services for which the fees are charged.
C. The adoption of this Chapter is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code Sections 21000 et seq.), because it approves and sets forth a procedure for determining fees for the purpose of meeting the operating expenses of City departments, as set forth in Public Resources Code Section 20180(b)(8)(1).
[Ord. No. 461, Section 3, 5/9/07.]
A. The City Manager is delegated the authority and directed to provide documents to the City Council to implement its herein enumerated policy to adjust fees and charges to recover the percentage of costs reasonably borne as established by resolution of the City Council, in providing the regulation, product or sen/ice enumerated in this Chapter in the percentage of costs reasonably borne and on the schedule of rate review and revision as hereinafter established in this Chapter.
B. The City Manager is delegated authority to issue executive orders defining terms, setting out administrative fee collection and financial procedures, definitions and establishing effective dates of all fees set by the City Council by resolution. The City Manager shall provide for effective dates for fees set by the City Council which are as early as is practically feasible considering administrative impediments. All executive orders shall be originated and signed by the affected department head, shall be signed by the Finance Director certifying that the financial requirements of this Chapter are complied with, and shall be signed by the City Manager connoting the effective date of the executive order and new or revised rate structure, procedure or definition.
C. “Costs Reasonably Borne” shall be as defined in Section 3.55.030. In adjusting fees and charges, the City Manager shall act in an administrative and ministerial capacity and shall consider only the standards and criteria established by this Chapter and the procedures set hereby and by applicable State law. All executive orders issued hereunder shall comply in all respects with this Chapter and the several schedules of fees and rates as set by the City Council by resolution.
[Ord. No. 461, Section 3, 5/9/07.]