3.4.7.   Heavy Industrial (HI) District
   A.   District Character. The Heavy Industrial (HI) district is established to accommodate heavy manufacturing, assembly, fabrication, processing, distribution, storage, and research and development. It is typically located in areas with good access to surface transportation by trucks and rail. Development takes place on larger lots and is often enclosed by security fencing. The district accommodates large-scale industrial uses including outdoor operations or storage with extensive movement of vehicles, materials, and goods, truck traffic and greater potential for adverse environmental and visual impacts on neighboring lands. The district also allows limited forms of heavier commercial use types but residential development is prohibited (except for caretaker quarters as an accessory use). District standards are intended to prevent the establishment of any use types that would interrupt industrial operations.
   B.   Example Lot Pattern.
   C.   District Dimensional Standards.
Minimum Lot Area (square feet)
Minimum Lot Width (linear feet)
Maximum Lot Coverage (% of lot area)
Minimum Street Setback (feet)
Minimum Side Setback (feet)
Minimum Rear Setback (feet)
Maximum Building Height (feet/stories)
50; height may increase by 2 feet for each additional foot of setback up to 100 feet in height
Minimum Spacing Between Principal Buildings on the Same Lot (feet)
   D.   Development Examples.
   E.   District-Specific Standards. - placeholder -
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019; Ord. 2022-17, passed 10-4-2021)