In addition to the dimensional standards in each individual zoning district the following bulk and dimensional standards shall apply to all development in the Town's planning jurisdiction.
A. Maximum Density may be Increased. Unless otherwise indicated in this Ordinance, the maximum density for a general or conditional zoning district may be increased beyond the amount listed in Sections 3.3 through 0 of this Ordinance in cases where:
1. Single-family detached, attached, or duplex dwellings are configured in accordance with the provisions in Section 5.2, Design Guidelines; and
2. Any form of allowable residential development is configured in accordance with the standards in Section 5.12, Sustainability Incentives.
B. Maximum Height may be Increased. Unless otherwise indicated in this Ordinance, the maximum height for a general or conditional zoning district may be increased beyond the amount listed in Sections 3.3 through 0 of this Ordinance in cases where development is configured in accordance with the standards in Section 5.12, Sustainability Incentives.
C. Reductions Prohibited. Except where otherwise authorized by this Ordinance:
1. Lots created after January 1, 2020 shall meet the minimum lot dimensional requirements for the district where located.
2. No lot shall be reduced in area below the minimum requirements for the district where located except as part of a planned development, conditional rezoning application, or in recognition of the provision of sustainable development features in accordance with Section 5.12, Sustainability Incentives.
D. Required Yards.
1. The land area between a lot line and the boundary of a required setback is considered as a required yard.
2. The location of front (or street), side, or rear yards on irregularly-shaped lots shall be determined by the Planning Director in accordance with Section 9.3, Rules of Measurement. Wherever possible, the Planning Director shall interpret these boundaries in ways that minimize nonconformities.
3. Except where otherwise provided in Section 9.3.5, Setback Encroachments, required yards shall not be subject to encroachment by a building, structure, or outdoor use area.
E. Setbacks From Streets. No building or structure shall be located closer to any public street right-of-way or existing private street edge than the minimum setback line established by this Ordinance.
F. Double Counting of Required Areas. No land area or other required space counted as part of a required yard, setback, lot area, or similar feature on one lot may be simultaneously counted towards the requirements on another lot.
G. Exceeding Maximum Limitations. No building or development shall exceed the maximum height limit, impervious surface limitation, maximum parking requirement, or residential density for the zoning district where located, unless allowed in accordance with this Ordinance.
H. Failure to Meet Minimum Requirements. No lot shall be altered in a manner that results in creation of a nonconformity except where authorized by this Ordinance.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)