Chapter 1.13
1.13.010   Applicability.
1.13.020   Definitions.
1.13.030   Administrative citation.
1.13.040   Contents of administrative citation.
1.13.050   Service of citation.
1.13.060   Civil fine and late payment fees.
1.13.070   Satisfaction of administrative citation.
1.13.080   Extensions of time to abate.
1.13.090   Request for administrative hearing.
1.13.100   Advance hardship waiver.
1.13.110   Time for administrative hearing.
1.13.120   Appointment of hearing officer.
1.13.130   Procedures at administrative hearing.
1.13.140   Hearing officer’s decision.
1.13.150   Appeal of decision of hearing officer.
1.13.160   Failure to take corrective action.
1.13.170   Collection of civil fine.
1.13.180   Remedies not exclusive.