Each citation shall contain the following information:
A. The name and mailing address of the responsible person, to the extent such information is known to the city.
B. The date and location of the violation and the approximate time the violation occurred or was detected.
C. The code section violated and a description of the violation.
D. The amount of the civil fine imposed for each violation, and the procedure and place to pay the civil fine, and any late charge(s), if not timely paid.
E. The action(s) required to correct the violation, if applicable, and the date by which such action(s) must be completed.
F. A description of the administrative citation review process, including the time within which to contest the citation and the place from which to obtain a request for hearing form to contest the citation or civil fine.
G. The name and signature of the citing Enforcement official, and the signature of the citee, if he or she is physically present and will sign the citation at the time of its issuance. The refusal of a citee to sign a citation shall not affect its validity or any related subsequent proceeding, nor shall signing a citation constitute an admission that a person committed a violation of the code.
H. Any other information deemed necessary by the city manager. (Ord. 283 § 2, 2008)