1.13.020   Definitions.
A.   “Citation” means an administrative citation that is issued to a responsible person pursuant to this chapter.
B.   “Citee” means a responsible person to whom a citation is issued.
C.   “City” means the city of Yucaipa, California.
D.   “City manager” means the chief administrative official of the city as appointed by the city council.
E.   “Civil fine” means the monetary sanction established by resolution of the city council that is imposed by a citation.
F.   “Code” means the entire Yucaipa Municipal Code, including all San Bernardino County and state codes adopted by reference into the Yucaipa Municipal Code, and any uncodified ordinance adopted by the city.
G.   “Courtesy notice” means a written notice to a responsible person that a violation of this code has occurred. This notice shall constitute and state that the responsible person is being warned that a citation assessing a fine may be issued if the violation is not terminated or abated.
H.   “Enforcement official” means any city employee with obligations under Section 1.13.050 to enforce the code and any employee of another public agency that is contracted to provide services to the city and authorized to enforce provisions of the code. The city manager may designate additional persons to act as enforcement officials for purposes of implementing the provisions of this chapter.
I.   “Hearing officer” means and includes a public entity, organization, association or person, or a public official, or duly constituted reviewing authority or commission that is designated by the city manager pursuant to the standards contained in Section 1.13.120 of this chapter.
J.   “Order” means the hearing officer’s written decision to uphold or cancel the citation.
K.   “Owner” means and includes any person having legal title to, or who leases, rents, occupies or has charge, control or possession of, or responsibility for, any real property in the city, including all persons identified as owners of record on the last equalized assessment roll of the San Bernardino County assessor’s office. An owner of personal property or animals shall be any person who has legal title, charge, control or possession of, or responsibility for, the personal property. An owner may include an agent, manager or representative thereof.
L.   “Person” means and includes any individual, partnership of any kind, a corporation of any kind, limited liability company, association, joint venture or other organization or entity, however formed, as well as fiduciaries, trustees, heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, or any combination of such persons. “Person” also includes any public entity or agency that acts as an owner in the city.
M.   “Property” means any real property, or improvements thereon, or portions thereof, as the case may be. “Property” includes any parkway or unimproved public easement abutting such real property. “Property” shall also include all forms of personal property or animals, where applicable.
N.   “Responsible person” means any person or legal entity whom the enforcement official determines is responsible for causing or maintaining a violation of the code. The term “responsible person” includes, but is not
limited to, an owner, tenant, or person in possession of real property; or an owner or authorized agent of any business, company or entity, or the holder or the agent of the holder of any permit or entitlement.
O.   “Violation” means an act or omission of any act, or use or condition that constitutes an offense of the code, as well as a breach or violation of any condition of a permit, approval or license issued pursuant to the code. A “transient” violation is one that is brief or spontaneous in its commission, or that is not typically confined to a fixed location. A “non-transient” violation is continuing in nature and generally present at one location. (Ord. 283 § 2, 2008)