1.13.150   Appeal of decision of hearing officer.
A.   Within twenty (20) days after service of the hearing officer’s order upon the responsible person, he or she may seek review of the order by filing a notice of appeal with the Superior Court. The responsible person shall serve the notice of appeal upon the city clerk in person or by first class mail within five calendar days of the court filing. If the responsible person fails to timely file a notice of appeal, the hearing officer’s order shall be deemed confirmed.
B.   The Superior Court is the sole reviewing authority and an appeal from a hearing officer’s decision is not appealable to the city council. If the responsible person prevails on appeal, the city shall reimburse his or her filing fee, as well as the civil fine deposited in accordance with the court judgment. These monies shall be mailed to the responsible person within thirty (30) calendar days of the city’s receipt of a notice of judgment or ruling from the Superior Court clerk. (Ord. 283 § 2, 2008)